Shylar – 10 mt old Lab X **HOMED**

Shylar – 10 mt old Lab X **HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Shylar – 10 mt old Lab X **HOMED**

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    This little girl came out of the pound last week. She was very timid but with plenty of tlc from her foster family she is coming on in leaps and bounds.
    Shylar 1.jpg


    This little girl was so petrified, it has taken this long to get a half decent photo. She is slowly coming round and learning to trust under the care of her fantastic foster mum Finula, who will send more photos as soon as this poor little girl stops running from the flash in the camera.


    This little girl has come on leaps and bounds.


    Got the opportunity to drive this shy girl to the Vet to be spayed this morning. She is such a shy little girl. Nervous with new faces but warms up pretty quick.

    She is a gorgeous girl!

    Wishing her good luck and fast recovery!


    Shylar came to us a couple of days ago as her other foster family was heading off for a few days and i cant express how lovely it is to watch this gentle girl grow in confidence!!

    Shylar just loves other dogs, she sees every dog as a potential new best friend. Within an hour of meeting my 3 she was sleeping on the bed with them perfectly comfortable and totaly fitting in.
    It is because of her gentle nature that other dogs accept her willingly.

    She is a bit shy and nervous around people at first, but even just within 24 hours we could see her gentle nature turning curious then turning to yep, i like this affection malarky!!

    I think this girl would make a great second dog as her face lights up when she is around other dogs.

    She walks great on the lead and travels really well in the car. The lab in her makes her a great little grubber so that should help with training. And once her faith in humans is restored fully there will be no stopping this beautiful pup :D
    Shylar 2.jpg
    Shylar 3.jpg


    Had the absolute pleasure of meeting this gorgeous girl when I went to pick up my angels from Tara. :D She is a dote and SO GOOD. Really quiet for a dog so young. Delighted to meet you, sweetheart. :D :D


    I cant believe i dont even have this beauty 2 weeks!

    Each day she grows in confidence, she is learning that people can be trusted and can show affection.
    It breaks my heart to think what somebody did to shatter her faith in people, but it is a testament to her true character that after 10 days she can come up to us and give a kiss or play with our hand or her new favourite play with our trouser leg (she really is a lil puppy!)

    She is amazing with other dogs and is really loving the sun. Mind you she also loves the rain, she was the instigator of a great game of chasing in the rain yesterday. My floors were filled with mucky paw and skid marks, but when i saw how happy and carefree Shylar was i just sat and watched the fun :)

    I am so happy to foster Shylar, i know for certain the perfect family are out there for her.


    Eh,someone is really making herself at home!


    Beautiful pictures..well done Tara…the difference in her is amazing :D


    Aw thanks,but to be fair i just let her be herself.

    She is so funny,she has become an expert stealer!
    Yesterday she stole the last of a pack of wispa bits,she buried her stash and was sneaking out to get one every now and again. And we would have been none the wiser only our 3 ratted on her by coming in to look at us with a look that says "eh what you goin to do about this" and we went out to investigate why!

    Today she had a thing about a box of tissues and kept stealing them. Not as tasty as wispa bits but great fun to shred Haha!

    Im delighted she has relaxed and is learning to have fun.


    Im a bad bad foster mammy!!
    I have not posted in a while, and believe me its not because i havent anything good to say about Shylar. I only have great things to say about her!!!

    She is coming on in leaps and bounds.
    Shylar is not naturally shy and afraid, people have made her this way.
    And its dawning on her that we are not half bad :lol:

    She gives us a great wag of the tail now, she is no longer afraid when we talk to her. She is letting us pet her more and we have been brushing her coat every day and she is really starting to enjoy this and gives the odd kiss to say thanks.
    One of my kids was sitting on the ground with the dogs the other night and Shylar very easily went over looking for affection and sat with her head touching her leg. She enjoys her walks more as her confidence grows. We found out she loves fetch and she is a great lil catcher. She trots along with the ball in her mouth, a real proud girl.

    Shylar doesnt need a home thats going to feel for her sorry that people were so bloody awful to her. What she needs is a home that will put the time in to bring out her true potential. Who know that with love, patience and understanding she will thrive. And what she will give back will be amazing,a true happy ending.
    Shy 1.jpg
    Shy 2.jpg


    I needed to put this up to show just how pretty Shylar is!!!

    She had her first bath yesterday and her coat is getting a nice shine now she is on the diet of good food and T.L.C


    The beautiful Shylar continues to shine.
    She is such a dote, she really steals your heart.

    She is not as nervous and she is spooked a bit less by people walking by during the walks. She still worries when we walk into a room,unsure of our intention, but each day its better and better.

    She allows us to pet her more,especially on her ears which used to really scare her. Every morning now she bounces around for us, its like she is on springs!! But its so great that she is so happy to see people that we spend a few mins just letting her be happy and enjoying the show :D

    She got a snazzy new pink collar today, and it really suits her.
    So i wanted to put up the photos to show her rocking the new look!!!



    Well, doesn’t Shylar look so pretty in her new collar…very girly! For anyone thinking of adopting this girl, it’s amazing what time, patience, love and understanding can do for a nervous dog. The rewards are so huge and day by day, week by week you see a different, confident dog emerging. Shylar, you’re doing great! ;)


    Love the pics of Shylar, although it sounds like you’ll have to change her name soon…not so shy anymore! :lol:
    *silence at the bad joke*!

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