Sherri – Bichon Friese -HOMED

Sherri – Bichon Friese -HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sherri – Bichon Friese -HOMED

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    Hi All, Just a quick update on ‘Miss Lucy’, She is with two years next week, I cannot believe it. She is such a happy little dog and her boyfriend is Hamish the Scottie and she bosses young Archie about and Charlie runs when the squeaky toys appear :D
    We are thrilled with her. she is so cute and does not miss a trick. She loves sleeping in beds and if the cat is not on the bed Lucy is. We had guests staying in the summer and on the first morning of thier visit Lucy was not in her own little bed and I wondered where she could be :roll: when I investigated further she had moved in to the guest room and was asleep in bed with our visitor and she stayed with her every night of the visit :lol:
    Here are a few pictures of her :P She is due the dreaded bath and blow dry which she is not a fan but she is delighted when she is sweet smelling again.The three smallies (dogs) go round together and any newspapers, shoes or all get pulled in three directions and shredded.
    Lucy is a master at getting food out of people’s bags. When were are on long journeys and make a pitstop, Lucy has the sandwiches out of the bag and eaten in about 5 mins. She should have been a sniffer dog :lol: Life would not be the same without our lucy :D :D
    Lucy 003.JPG
    Lucy 014.JPG
    Lucy 006.JPG


    Ahh…they are just fab..well done ;)


    Happy Gotcha Anniversary Lucy you do have such a wonderful little life….


    Hi All, Love the now site. Lucy is in top form getting ready for Christmas
    Lucy 003.JPG

    DID Rescue

    Little Madame and all the men running after you………great position to be in and not even of your own making ;)
    Well done Charlie for putting up with the small unruly people :(


    I think Lucy is looking out the window a bit early for Santa! :D Looking fab, as ever.


    Hi All, Just had to post up a few pictures of ‘ Miss Lucy’ after her hair do today. She is in great form and as pretty as a picture. It is over two years since we adopted her :D We are so delighted with her and love her so much. She is very happy with her life and adores her furry boyfriend Hamish and brothers charlie and Archie. Timmy the cat still gets a chase if my back is turned. :shock: She is so cute if I am watching she is like an angel around the cat ;)
    photo lucy.JPG
    march 087.JPG


    Beautiful :D


    Lucy is looking very pretty and soft and fluffy. Scrappy says she is soooooooooooo nice . :lol: :lol: :lol:


    :D :D


    Lucy is with us three years next week :D We love her to bits and she is spoilt rotten :D Her favorite place is sitting on a knee and hanging round with her boyfriend Hamish whom she grooms daily much to Hamish’s dismay :shock:
    I cannot believe how the time has flown by and we have 5 dogs and 4 are from DID. She is such a great little girl, very affectionate full of love and licks :D We are so happy we got her and she rules the roost. all four male dogs do as they are told. She gives out to them if they are bold.
    She loves her walks on the beach and runs into the sea which is a no no for bichons but she loves the sea and has to get a wash after her swim.
    Lucy has brought so much love, fun and happiness to our lives :)
    Thanks DID for doing what you do best xx
    princess and the pea!.JPG
    Lucy and Archie 2.JPG


    Wow….can’t believe its believe its been 3 years…..they look fab….I wonder how many more you will adopt over the next 3 :o :o :o :lol: :lol: :o


    Angie what a lovely post and how great they both look, it was great to meet you a few weeks ago, getting a new little foster Dee Dee tomorrow so watch out for my updates.

    DID Rescue

    I think we need to invent another celebration other than a Birthday???
    A Happy Homing Lucy.
    I still remember when you came to meet Hamish the love of your life now, it all seems only a few months ago :)
    All four DID dogs landed on the paws and Bless Charlie for keeping them all in check ;)


    Hi All Lucy Archie and Benji spent a busy day at the groomers yesterday followed by doggy daycare. They love going there Orlagh is soo good with them :D Here are a few poses. I had to laugh Lucy has to be the centre of attention which she is sitting on a knee with Archie on the right :D
    Lucy and Archie doggy daycare and grooming.jpg
    lucy at the groomers.jpg
    Lucy posing.jpg

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