Shauna – Staffie x Terrier *HOMED*

Shauna – Staffie x Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Shauna – Staffie x Terrier *HOMED*

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    I’m delighted to hear that news :P


    That is just great. I am delighted.


    These are just a few snaps of the lovely Shauna

    out of all the lovely places they have to sleep they prefered the dirty laundry :D

    I have named this little lady Angel…but on the dogs in distress site she is named Shauna…so if you are putting in an adoption form for this lovely lady please name her Shauna on the form :D She is such a loving dog and i dont know what her background was but she is coming on brilliantly. She is great with children and other dogs…..


    Poor Shauna, what a beautiful little girl she is and what an awful way to start life. I really hope she pulls through. I’m a huge believer in Angels and do Spiritual Healing to, so sending her Spiritual Healing from now until she is home.


    Fantastic news


    just filled out an adoption form for shauna keeping my fingers crossed have falling in love with her already xx


    Shauna is just a lovely lovely girl and is so happy, such a turnaround from the girl in the first pic! :) She is very loving and happy, still puppyish and is so small! She is a total pocketsized Staffie, I would love her!!!!! :D Whoever gets to adopt her….. I’ll be very jealous of them ;)


    She looks amazing. I sent in my adoption form on the 25th June and I am getting my home visit done this evening so fingers crossed!

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