Scrappy – 4 yr old Bichon Frise – HOMED

Scrappy – 4 yr old Bichon Frise – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Scrappy – 4 yr old Bichon Frise – HOMED

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    This little man is going into foster with Marymac who will update soon ;)
    Picture 684.jpg


    Oh Kathy he is fab, and for anyone reading this who is looking for a dog to adopt I cannot recommend Bichons enough they are the most placid dogs you will meet they don’t shed hair and are not yappy. They make the perfect pet.


    We have found Scrappy and he is now safely back in fostercare. A big thanks to all who helped. :D


    Good old St. Anthony has worked wonders again :D :D :D


    Well as you know, Scrappy took an extra unexpected journey today as my partner was taking him out of the car in the drive. He was on his collar and lead and as quick as lightening the collar slipped and he ran like a bullet. Poor Gerry was in a state blaming himself, but it was just one of those things.

    To make a long story short the little monster was found after many phone calls , and brought to a man who runs a kennels locally. Well local to you or me but to run there with little tiny legs was some achievement which I hope Scrappy never decides to repeat.

    We got him home at about 10.30 and the poor little mite was wrecked. He sat on my knee and just wanted cuddles.
    Abby was very interested in him but he was just too tired. We put him in his bed and he slept like a log.He is now up beside me on a rug.

    So will post some pics tomorrow of the little teddy bear :D
    Thanks kathy for your help, from all of us, especiallly Scrappy.



    Thank God for all mercies Great and Small. Poor Gerry and he doing a good deed. :roll:

    Well Scrappy is obviously a lucky dog to have found a great foster home and then BE found again himself.

    I’m looking forward to all your updates and pics.


    Delighted there is a happy ending to Scrappy’s adventure. He looks so cute and lovable. Bichon’s love thier home comforts and a lap to sit on. I have two and they are very affectionate little dogs with big hearts. They are very intelligent and do not miss a trick :D



    Well all in all Scrappy has had a good night and day considering his journey to us. He slept ok on and off. Cried a few times and ended up on the bed and out for the count. Today he wandered around the house, in and
    out and sniffing everywhere. It was funny because you could nearly see him taking it all in. Abby and him were a little more bold in their play today, i.e. Abby wanting to play and giving him toys and him not knowing what to do exactly. By this evening if Abby annoyed him too much he just ran away instead of being still and afraid. Saying that they really were good together and am very proud of Abby and she tolerated this little wooley fella in her home and bed very well. She is very sweet and my only worry would be in play that she could hurt him as he is very tiny. But now he sort of nibbles her side every now and then. He is very funny.

    He loves being out in the garden and is sometimes hard to get back in, it reallly surprises me that a little thing like him would like outdoors but he does tend to get very hot and start panting when indoors. Has anyone else had this experience ?

    Scrappy is a little dote, so loving and just wants to be petted and rubbed so much so that when you stop he starts to lick you to say, come on start again please :) and looks at you with that teddy bear face. We heard him bark tonight for the first time. Abby barked at the door and he joined in. He is also quite nervous in the house of regular noises, cupboards closing, washing machine and general house noises. Im sure in time he will get used to this. I am adding a few pictures of today. Hopefully this will work as I did it earlier and lost my post and pics !!! Here goes.
    scrappy 20.1.11 003.JPG
    scrappy 20.1.11 004.JPG
    scrappy and abby bed.JPG


    Ah gorgeous pics Mary!! Abby is such a good girl .. sharing her bed and toys with him :) well done Abbs!!! Hope he’s settling well .. he’s landed on his 4 paws ending up in your house ;) He’s a lovely little guy … so tiny compared to Abby!!



    well today was a good day. For starters no accidents last night which is good considering his short stay. Scrappy is one very cute little guy who definately has a mind of his own. He hates being touched around his face at all. I tried today to trim some of the hairs away from his eyes and mouth and it was like a wrestling match. He is tiny and light but can he wriggle ;) ;) ;)

    He ate a bit better today. He goes to be neutered on Wednesday. He has made no advances in that way at Abby at all which is great. Today their play was more two of them playing and not just Abby wanting to play with him. They went mental in the house this morning for a while and were despatched to the garden where they ran around after each other for ages.
    Gerry took him for a little walk this evening and he was wrecked when he got back, a little wander around was all it was.

    At the moment abby and himself are sorting out seating arrangements :lol: :lol: Abby gets in her bed, Scrappy follows. Scrappy moves to the couch, Abby follows and this goes on and on. They are so funny to watch as they are much better friends today. So much so that Scrappy went downstairs about an hour ago to be with Abby as she sleeps upstairs for some of the night and downstairs for some. He seems to have followed her. He was in his bed her in the bedroom but has gone.

    Scrappy has a lovely temperment. He loves his cuddles. When you stop stroking him, he starts licking you to get going again. My niece and her boyfriend called yesterday and fell madly in love with him.

    I am adding some pics of the musical beds today, but the best one when Scrappy decided to lounge on the back of the couch. look at the way his legs are !!!!!
    scrappy 23.1.12 003.JPG
    scrappy 23.1.12 002.JPG
    scrappy 23.1.12 010.JPG


    scrappy 23.1.12 007.JPG
    scrappy 23.1.12 003.JPG
    scrappy 23.1.12 015.JPG


    Love the photo of Scrappy stretched out on the back of the sofa! :) :)


    LOVE the one where he is on the back of the sofa!! He looks SO comfy!!!! :lol:



    Yeah I love that picture of Scrappy on the back of the couch. He looks like one of those old pyjama cases I used to have as a child (oopps, showing my age) !!

    Well scrappy went off to the vet today for his little op. They rang at lunch time to say all was well and to pick him up around 4.30. He was a bit spaced out when he came home and not too happy with his new head gear. He is so small he finds it hard to eat or drink, or go upstairs with it on. I think we will do what we did before with Benny. Take it off when he is supervised and put it on at night when he is most likely to try and get at the stitches. He ate a little around 7 and slept for most of the evening despite Abby trying to play with him and taking every toy she has out of her toy basket. It was funny to watch, like she knew he wasnt well.

    He is very good really and very little trouble. The one thing he does do is cry and howl when left alone, even if for a short while when we go upstairs or vice versa. He also does it when Gerry goes out initially. I am not sure how to address this but will have to look it up. If anyone has had this problem with separation anxiety which I pressume it is , please let me know how you dealt with it.

    Thes are a few pics taken last night that made me smile. Abby has never stayed in her bed when another dog got in, not even the lovely Benny who as in foster with us for 3 weeks and has been back twice for his holidays. So it looks like Scrappy has stolen her heart as well as ours.

    They are both fast asleep Scrappy in his bed and Abby on the humans bed, so lets see where they end up in the morning. Hopefully Scrappy will be able to sleep well with his horrible collar.



    Hope Scrappy is on the mend. He is such a handsome boy! love the photos. I find that my four dogs have all helped each other. As each one arrived they learnt from the others. Little scrappy looks very much at home :D

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