Scott – 1yr old Glen of Immal Terrier x – HOMED

Scott – 1yr old Glen of Immal Terrier x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Scott – 1yr old Glen of Immal Terrier x – HOMED

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    Little Woody continues to thrive in his forever home :D


    Strike a pose! :D :D


    What a beautiful dog! I used to have a Glen of Imaal cross and he reminds me so much of her. :)

    DID Rescue

    Great to see an update from this little man who also was a Dog In Distress.
    Through no fault of his own he was on his own all day and night and just being fed.
    It’s so good to see him having the life he deserves and I am sure dreamed of.
    Thanks for the update :P


    It’s been a long time since I updated on Woody / Scott. He continues to be the apple of my eye and life seems to revolve around him!
    He loves his routine of going to granny in the morning where he hops into bed with her for a little snooze! A play with his cousin the springer during the day and home at night for some more spoiling.
    I can’t believe how lucky we were that he found us. He has loads of love and cuddles and kisses to give everyone and EVERYONE loves him! His american human cousins even send him texts and call him Hairy McLary!
    He’s looking very distinguised now with his greying muzzle.
    Some day I hope we can find him another DID brother or sister, I know he’d love that :)


    Great to see you doing so well little man

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