Scooby – Collie *HOMED*

Scooby – Collie *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Scooby – Collie *HOMED*

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    This little man needs urgent foster. Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)
    Scooby is 2 years old.


    This beauty is gone into foster with Lorcan – thanks a million ;) He will be wormed, microchipped, neutered and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed :D


    Scooby is doing well, i have had him with me for two days now and he is a great boy. He loves running around the garden chasing the flies. He is very well behaved in the house he is either sleeping or relaxing especially after a walk. He pulls a bit on the lead but he is getting better every walk. I will upload some pics.


    awww, doesn’t he look gorgeous. He has a gorgeous temperment. He seems to love children and other dogs. He is very nice natured. He loves a cuddle. I loved him while he was here. an absolute pet…. thanks again Lorcan for taking him. and thank you so much for all you did on tuesday evening.


    No bother at all He really is though, very loving and just wants to be rubbed. He’s very relaxed around the house and he’s getting so much better on the lead.

    Scooby was at the vets on friday and was neutered, they also got most of the tar out of his coat. He was a bit down friday evening but brand new on saturday and back to his normal self. :)


    This guy is just fab :D He is so gentle and just loves to cuddle :D
    oct pups 522.jpg


    I met the lovely Scooby when he got his vax and chip and my god what a dog! He is absolutely stunning in person, typical happy lively collie boy with loads of licks to give. He really loves catching flys ( and is very good at it!! :lol: ) and is a super fella. I would say he would love agility or flyball. Fingers crossed he gets a home soon :)


    Yep he is chipped and has his first shot now. I think he would do well with something like that, he has loads of energy and loves to run around the fields and sniff his way through the bushes. He will be a great addition to any dog lovers home and with some time he’d learn anything as he is a very fast learner. He is good in the car although I do keep his leash tied just incase he gets excited but he usually just rests his head on your shoulder and enjoys the ride. :D


    Well how is Scooby doing ….hope the thunder and lightening isn’t frightening him too much ….but its a good excuse to have our foster fur kids snuggle in tight for some comfort….think we get more from it than they do but they are always happy to oblige!


    Met this caring collie today….he is soooooooo gentle he loves to say hello and gives kisses….lovely boy who deserves a very loving home he has so much love to give that it will be like winning the lotto having this guy come live with you.


    Scooby had his second shot the other day, it didn’t phase him whatsoever he was back in the garden running around and jumping having loads of fun. He is so funny out on walks when he is let of his lead, he takes of running at a rate of knots and jumps about ten feet through the air, he loves being able to run and hunting the rabbits hidden in the bushes, luckily he has never come back to me with one.. :D.
    For a dog with alot of energy he is very relaxed in the house he loves to chill and have naps. Scooby is a great dog and will bring alot of laughs with him, ill be sorry to see him go but happy someone else will get to enjoy him and give him a loving home.

    I will be adding more pics soon.


    How is Scooby getting on these days?


    Any updates on this fella?


    More pics ;)


    Scooby Dooby Doooo how are you?

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