Sammy – spaniel cross – update

Sammy – spaniel cross – update

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sammy – spaniel cross – update

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    Hi to all in DID. We adopted Sammy a springer spaniel cross from DID in January last year and I thought after almost a year I should give you an update on his progress.

    Sammy settled in really quickly and made himself at home. He loves long walks, playing fetch and being outside running around the garden. We have 2 young kids and he is so good with them. He is such a big dog but is just so gentle. While he jumps on us he never has jumped on the kids. He does think he is a small dog and will regularly try to climb up on our knees when we are sitting down. :lol:

    We regularly go up to Donegal and Sam comes with us. The long drive from Dublin doesn’t bother him and he seems to know where is is going and gets so excited. He is "in love" with my sister in law’s dog and we are convinced that is the reason he loves traveling to Donegal. When in Donegal he gets to run on the beach and swim in the sea. He really is such a fun loving dog and we are so thrilled to have him with us.

    Big Thanks to everyone who looked after him while in foster care.


    ah think I remember him..any photos? there have been a few springer spaniels during the year. Its so great to hear your nice update and thank you so much for giving him such a loving home.


    Hi Martinac – how do I post pictures – I’ve loads of nice ones of him.


    If you want to post pictures there is a guide in the our dogs section


    I’ve finally got around to opening a photobucket account and figured out how to post photos. I’m so behind the times!! The picture is of Sammy in Donegal during the summer. He has got even bigger since then.

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