Cheating a bit here! Sam is our first born but he is not a DID dog so there is no thread on him (he is a DSPCA rescue) However he is such a great foster bro, I hope no-one minds if i give him his own little bit of space on the website?? Just a couple of photos of this great guy on his hols and a couple of five of them together. CAM_0602.JPG
Hi Colgan clan…. not too sure if you remember but I met you guys up in the dog park a while ago and we discovered that your Sam and my doggie Razor are real-life brothers!!! My guy sounds sooo like Sam in your description of his temperments, they are just fab dogs!!! I’d be lost without him Anyways, enjoy new pics 1210.jpg new pics 1220.jpg
Thanks for that Jen. They are so alike in looks and it’s amazing to think they are so alike in temperament too. I remember meeting you alright. Sam is the apple of my eye – he is such a good fella. Don’t know where I would be without him. Give Razor a big hug from all of us here.
Our fantastic "leader of the pack", Sam is, likewise, just back from his annual sojourn in Clare! He absolutely LOVES the freedom down there – the beaches, the water, the wide open spaces, chasing the ball, playing manic chasing games and then crashing out for a few hours before it all starts all over again!!!
Sam is our pride and joy and the undisputed head of the canine household here. CAM_1321.JPG