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    YAY finally :) Enjoy Rusty 8-)


    Hi everyone, I’m Rustys new dad (though I don’t get a look-in). Sorry it took so long to post this but have been helping my sister move home. I know it’s really late but if i don’t post this now don’t know when I’ll get the chance.

    Firstly I just wish to express my heartfelt thanks to Jimmy & Martina (and Kas of course) for taking care of Rusty. He is a very loving dog and that can only be down to the care and love you both provided for him.

    At this moment Rusty (no name change as thats what he knows) is curled up in my daughters bedroom in his bed, both fast asleep. He was missing his fosterers and Kas initially and didn’t really know what to make of myself and my son at first.

    After Jimmy and Martina left we took him for a long walk to get him used to the smells of Kill (Kildare). He did fret the first nite but settled in bed beside me in the end.

    Has settled more and more into the home, is a very clever and loving boy and LOVES his food ( he’s like a food hoover) and his walks. Has had a bark at the dogs on either side of us just to introduce himself too :D

    Rusty is very, very protective of both my kids to the extent that he gives me a little bark when I check to ensure my kids are ok at night which the kids love as they feel very secure with him. Only thing I can fault him on is he jumps up to my little lad for hugs and makes him a tad nervous, but is only a minor thing which we’re working on.

    So, all in all, a smashing boy, very loving and playful and a credit to his fosterers. Needs more time to adjust to us and vice versa but only here since Wednesday so will take a week or two more.

    Many thanks also to the volunteers at DID for the work you do on behalf of all the doggies and for giving my family the pleasure of providing Rusty with his forever home, will upload photos in a few days…


    What a wonderful post !! Daas.


    Aw great to hear our little man is getting on so well in his new home! I’m delighted he’s settling in and I knew he’d love the kids and looking after them too. Hopefully he will give you and your family years of happiness and love. With him jumping up on your son, get him to turn his back to Rusty whenever he comes in or whenever Rusty jumps up and get him to sit before he rubs him. I used to have to do this all the time and he knows well that the faster he sits the sooner he gets attention so hopefully you’ll get him out of that habit, it might take a while though! Enjoy him and all his little quirks, myself and Jimmy are glad he got a lovely home!



    Hi, just a quick update on Rusty. I can’t upload pics at the moment but hope to get a friend to take some pics soon.

    He has settled in really well with us here, just kinda fits in, like he has always here. He is a gentle and loving boy, loves his walks, treats and grub. Likes to be active and in the middle of things. The issue regarding my little boy has resolved itself, Rusty stilll wants to jump but understands now he won’t get hugs and cuddles until he sits or lies down so a happy compromise has been reached between the two of them.

    I haven’t yet let him off the lead as he’s an angel on it until he sees another dog, then he just wants to play and I may as well not exist. He loves to chase crows that invade his turf, usually first thing in the morning after breakfast. He barks at them though not aggressively and as he can’t fly they’re safe enough.

    He likes to let animals and humans know that our house and gardens are his patch now by barking, again it’s not aggressive but never barks when out walking or in other houses so it must be a protective thing.

    Not sure what else to say, he’s a super dog, again all credit to Jimmy, Martina (and Kas), he’s happy here with us and we’re very happy that he’s with us (my seven yr old now comes to see Rusty, not me ). My kids are now debating who’ll get Rusty when I pass away so that speaks volumes in itself

    Will hopefully manage to upload photos soon though if you look at Nikita in this section you’ll see Rusty, they have to be from the same litter, they’re identical and seem to have the same traits too.


    Rusty is doing fine, he’s filling out well and seems generally happy. Kids love him and vice versa. Still wants to greet people by jumping upon everyone he sees and play with every dog regardless of weather they are friendly or not. People seem to just judge him on his size alone and i try to explain he’s just a friendly guy, those that seem to be ‘doggy people’ are fine with him. Other thing is my daughter has a tendancy to let him do a lot as she is just smitten with him and can’t belive how friendly and gentle he is, that’s something i’m trying to resolve with her and not Rusty, as it’s unfair to Rusty.
    I’m sorry about the photos, i don’t have a camera, i must get a family member to take some and upload them then…


    Great to hear the update on our little man, glad he’s doing so well! Give him a big hug from myself, Jimmy and Kas!


    We had a visit in the shop today from Rusty and we were so happy to see him! I can’t believe how big he’s gotten, our little man is all grown up now!

    He’s still very affectionate and still gives the best hugs ever!


    Hi, just an update and some pics on Rusty. He’s nice and settled here, seems he was always here. He’s such a gentle (tho clumsy) guy and wouldn’t hurt a fly. He is still a good grubber and very social around other people and dogs. He is much better on the lead now and enjoys a good run off it in some fields nearby most days. My two kids have him spoilt rotten tho in a good way. They are actively helping with some training as i pointed out that they were confusung him, he has some more basic commands now.
    Rusty saw Jimmy and Martina (his fosterers) not too long ago and will drop over again soon. Again would just like to thank them both for all they did for the big guy.
    Rusty is a very intelligent, loving boy who’s growing up fast. Personality wise can’t be faulted, he still wants to hug everyone he meets tho they’re not too keen until they get to know him :D . I still get people who cross the road (even with their dogs) when he approaches due to his size, little do they know he’s a sweetheart.
    Sorry it took so long to post this, will get some outdoor pics soon.


    The pictures were worth waiting on …..Rusty you are still a stunner!…..don’t mind those silly people crossing the road to avoid you….I would cross the road to meet such a great dog.


    Hi just to update you all on Rusty. He’s doing fine, is eating well and his general health and weight is good.
    He was at the vet on Monday for his shots and to have an ear infection treated, it’s clearing up nicely now.
    We recently decided to get some company for the big guy from DID but it didn’t work out. Rusty has it good here and is well minded and loved and he just didn’t want to share his forever home with anyone else, can’t fault him for that. The other dog has been rehomed and is very happy there so it ended well for all concerned.
    Rusty is growing up fast although still some puppy in there too, he enjoys his playtime with my children and adores his walks everyday. He is a big affectionate guy with not a bad bone in his body. People are stand-offish due to his size but a more loving guy you couldn’t meet. Children don’t seem to mind him though and he gets lots of hugs when we pick up my children from school and Rusty enjoys all the fuss.
    So, all in all, a great guy, in good health and progressing just fine. Is loved by my family and returns it in equal measure.


    What a great update the pics are brilliant!! He is indeed one very very cute little (big) man :D


    Aw Rusty you look great! Can’t believe the size of you now! The pictures are great, love the camoflage one, brilliant! We’re so happy he got such a great home! And feel free to visit anytime!


    Hi Martina and Jimmy, hope the holiday went really well for you both.
    Rusty as you can see is all grown up now, a big handsome fella. Will be in touch early in the New Year and will try get him over soon so you can see for yourself just how big he is now. Regards…


    Hi all, a quick update on Rusty. The big guy is doing fine, has recently turned two and has matured into a handsome loving dog ( completely unbiased opinion :D ). Gets on with most dogs and people and just wants to play though his size does people off until they spend a few minutes with him. He’s just a bigfriendly giant
    He idolises my children and vice versa and cries at their bedroom doors if they go out until they come back. He loves his walks and enjoys being off the lead in the fields behind our house.
    Although not the best trained dog in the world ( he does have all his basic commands, he just forgets when another dog wants to play) he is one of the most loving and there is very little i’d want to change about him.

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