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    He’s 6 – 8 months old so a big puppy but he’s great in the house, great with other dogs and kids. He’s really playful, loves attention and he loves a cuddle on the couch. I’m sure there’s a home out there looking for a lovely dog like him.

    Rusty will be wormed, vaccinated, microchipped and neutered before being rehomed :)


    Oh he is a stunning boy … the look of him
    Give him a big hug from me Martina please!


    Will do Audrey, he’s never short of hugs! He’s fast asleep now after a long walk and we bumped into Angel the staffie cross that was adopted from DID in the fields and they’ve really taken a shine to each other! He was abit giddy last night after we took them out for a late evening walk but he quickly learned to go lie on his bed and stop crawling all over us on the couch so that was good. He’s also sitting when we tell him so I think he’s going to train very quickly which is good.


    Rusty is getting on great, he’s really good in the house and had him in work with me a few times this week and he was very good considering there were loads of other dogs around all day. I gave him a bath and he just sat there looking all sorry for himself. He’s started playing with Kas, her growling was scaring him off at first but now he’s used to her and all the noises she makes. I was letting him off the lead to see what he’s like and he’s stays right beside me, he doesn’t know his name yet so doesn’t respond to that! He loves his walks and playing with other dogs.


    Our poor little man isn’t feeling well and is spending the night in the vets so we’re missing him loads but he’s being well looked after. We’ll call them tomorrow to see how he is.


    Hope the lovely Rusty makes a speedy recovery and that you have him home soon.


    I hope Rusty feels better soon and eats/ drinks all around him again. He a nobel looking chap and I’m sure he’s thankful he’s foster family is looking out for him.


    The vets are keeping him over the weekend keeping him on fluids and they rang this morning to say he’s much brighter and stronger today so they’re going to try him with some food. They’re closed today so gona call in the morning and go around to see him. Really missing the little guy!


    Went to see Rusty this morning and he was alot more energetic. He was eating and drinking yesterday but did get sick this morning so they’re gona keep him in tonight and see if he’ll keep his food down. It was great seeing him and getting some snuggles and kisses off him!


    Poor little Rusty – I hope he is feeling better and back home very very soon. x


    Rusty came home on Tuesday and is getting better and stronger every day! His appetite is definately back and his energy seems to be too! I’m glad our little man has pulled through!


    Good to hear that he is on the mend , he seems to have considerable interest in him and why not, handsome chap .


    Our fella is back to himself now and appetite is too! We were minding Jimmys Dads staffie Jess for the week and they got on like a house on fire, playing all day and into the night with a few naps in between! They had a nice long walk today so they’re all fast asleep now!

    Rusty is still looking for his special forever home, he’s neutered, vaccinated, wormed and microchipped. He is such a loving boy, full of hugs and kisses and a huge heart that adores everyone he meets. He snuggles up to us on the couch although I’m pretty sure it’s just to stay warm :D He’s learned to sit for rubs but still gets excited sometimes and jumps up. He does give proper hugs sometimes and can wrap his front paws around your waist it’s so cute. He’s the loveliest face and the biggest, saddest eyes that would melt your heart! Will add some new pics of him soon!


    Our little man is doing great. He’s learned to sit and gave me the paw today so I’m very proud of him! He loves his walks in the fields, running around investigating everything. He loves meeting other dogs to play with and he’s really good with kids and loves the attention he gets off them. He does jump up a bit so might not suit a family with really small children but he would definately be the greatest friend a child could have and would gladly tag along on any adventures and mischief they got up to :D


    hey everyone

    tom here i just saw this dog. i havnt looked at the site in a while. i adopted a dog called nikkita now named coco from did during the summer. she is now around 9 months. i believe she is a sister of rusty. they are exactly the same from their general colour to there very unusual marking around the chest, back, and tail. they are the exact same body shape, their facial expressions are identical, and they are roughy the same age. noone will convince me otherwise. they must have come from the same litter. all i have to say is who ever is lucky enough to get rusty in the end is in for a treat. if coco is anything to go by they will get a gentle, affectionate fun loving dog bursting with character and intelligence. best of luck, and if you dont believe my theory look up nikkita in the happy endings section :lol:

    all the best


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