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    Ruby had great fun last night when my niece stayed over with her dog. Ruby and Jack were playing all last night and this morning so she’s absolutely exhausted today! She was giving my niece loads of kisses all night and snuggling into her on the couch, I think she liked having someone new to curl up for a nap with. I’ll have to put up some more pics of her soon.


    Wondering how Ruby is getting on? Any news on a forever home?


    A family came from Clare to meet her and they want to adopt her so we just need to get her spayed now and as soon as she’s done she’ll be ready to go to her new home. Finally a happy ending for our little Ruby!


    Thats great news, delighted to hear that. You both gave her such a good start, but I know you will miss her.


    Ruby was spayed last Thursday and didn’t like her collar but she’s used to it now and just trying to keep her calm so she doesn’t open her scar! She’s going to her new home on Sunday and we will miss her so much. She’s calmed down so much since she’s been here and I think Kas has helped her grow up by showing her what she can do and what not to do! We’ll miss her bubbly personality and her snuggling up to us on the couch, she’s great for keeping you warm when taking a little afternoon nap on the couch :D there will be a lot of tears on Sunday but we’re glad she’s going to a good home!


    She is lovely! She is also the spitting image of Jodie I fostered last year (and later adopted). Only difference is she has a long tail and some genius out there docked Jodies. Hope she gets a great home.


    Ruby went to her new home on Sunday and she’s settled in straight away which is good to hear! It was sad saying goodbye to her but we’re happy she got a great home. Best wishes in your new home Ruby xxx

    Here she is playing with Kuma before she left


    Well I saw this little lady out pounding the pavements with her mom in the sunshine over the weekend and she looks super!!!she had a lovely bling bling lime green collar on and was walking extremely well on her halti!! She looks super and had a happy staffie smile on her!! Just thought you’d like to know!!

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