Ruby – ref 445 – 2yrs Springer *HOMED*

Ruby – ref 445 – 2yrs Springer *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ruby – ref 445 – 2yrs Springer *HOMED*

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    This girl is gone into foster with Fiona who will update soon ;)


    Ruby came to stay with us on Monday with her pal Holly. Ruby is a real character, full of beans and has that puppy charm, all gangly legs and throws herself at you for hugs. As soon as she got in the car all she wanted was a cuddle and that hasn’t changed all week. She seems younger than 2 yrs old to me and is quite a large springer, possibly a cross with a Lab?. She has endless energy and ran the length of brittas bay 100 times over this morning.
    She has a bit of training but doesn’t know all her commands and pulls on the lead a bit and doesn’t have great recall.
    Like her pound friend Holly, she looks for belly rubs and hugs all the time and is very trusting. She had recently been to the vet to be spayed so her coat is in much better condition than Holly’s.
    Ruby would really suit someone that can give her a lot of attention and lengthy walks every day – she is very energetic and doesn’t seem to be aware of her size when she comes thundering at you onto the sofa! Her favourite thing of all is to go for a swim in the river – i thought i would never get her out yesterday.
    She would most people but I think she would be better with another dog in the house rather than by herself.

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