Ruby aka Saphire – Staffie

Ruby aka Saphire – Staffie

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ruby aka Saphire – Staffie

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    Name: Saphire

    Reference Number: 1

    Sex: Female


    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: 6th January 2009

    Saphire is a lovely girl , but life hasnt treated her well in the past. She still lifts her head high to greet everyone who comes in, and loves her walks. She is very quiet and docile, and tiny.


    Went up the pound today to drop up some blankets for the doggies and came home with this lovely little girl to foster. She is really really tiny and is getting on great with my 3. Hopefully we can get her spayed this week and work on fattening her up ;)


    Out and safe


    Here is the little staffie we are fostering. We have changed her name to Ruby because that was the song that was playing on the radio when we collected her from the pound and she seems to like it. She was vomiting Sunday night but a visited to the vet Monday morning thanks to Gwen seems to have sorted this out. She is really tiny as you can see from the pic here with her beside our JRT and the vet recons she’s about 18-24 months so she won’t get any bigger


    Shes Adorable!!! And so tiny!


    Well Ruby has been with us nearly 2 weeks now and it is like she has always been here. She is fully house trained and so easy to walk on the lead. She loves to play with the other dogs or is happy to just sit at your feet watching telly. Poor Ruby got spayed on Wednesday and the vet discovered that she needed a tooth pulled and that she had an old bite wound on her mouth that needed to be lanced as well so when we collected her she had stitches in her mouth and stomach :( and the little angle still managed to wage her tail when she saw us


    Sleep time

    Poor Ruby after getting spayed


    Hey well done Geoff and June – Ruby is a little doll alright, she looks tiny especially in the photo next to Lily your Jack Russell, and I saw how tiny Lily was today at the agility class. Buster is coming on a treat too – in absolutely fab condition and a great mover in the agility class. What lucky doggies they are to have you to look after them :D
    Fidelma & Ellie


    Hi there,
    Just to say she looks so happy there with you, but If shes is still looking for her forever home, we think we can maybe offer it to her. Our Golden Retriever " Jasmine " is looking for a new friend and so are we. So let us know if she is still available. ps. I emailed an adoption form , not sure it was recieved, thanks.


    The beautiful Ruby is putting on weight and is happy to show off her new figure ;)

    Brought Ruby the vet this morning to get her stitches out and the vet is delighted with her she was 7.5 :( when we got her 3 weeks ago and now she is 12.9 :D


    Ruby enjoying the snow with my daughter Aoife and Buster

    A heat and a treat feel much better now


    Ruby has discovered that if she brings her raw hide out the back garden to eat she doesn’t have to share it with any of the other dogs because my 3 wimps prefer eat in the warm kitchen but as you can see she has made a new friend with the local magpie who seems to turn up when she’s out


    Well as you can see Ruby is doing great. She is spayed, vaxed and up to her proper body weight. All this beautiful girl needs now is a loving home to call her own.

    The beautiful pocket size Ruby

    Ruby in her favorite place curled up on my daughter lap

    Ruby is so cute and gentle even our grumpy old man Stan doesn’t mind a little kiss off her every now and then


    Well Ruby has been with us nearly 2 months now and has come on brilliantly. She is great in the car and loves going for her walks and saying hello to every one she meets. I know there is a perfect home for Ruby out there and hopefully she won’t have to wait much longer. All this little pocket staffie wants is a full belly, a warm bed and someone she can give all her love and cuddles to not much to ask Oh and a TV to watch she’s a bit of telly addict :D



    We can’t believe the beautiful Ruby is still with us. She is the most prefect little dog. Ruby is great in the car great on the lead and great at giving the biggest sloppy staffie kisses. We have to take a break from fostering the end of the month and it breaks our hearts to think that Ruby might have to go to another foster instead of the loving home she really deserves. We would have loved to offer Ruby a forever home but with 3 dogs already it’s just not possible. If you think you can offer her the loving home she deserves please fill in an adoption form you will not be disappointed she will steal your heart

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