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    Hi there,

    Ruby is currently with us. She’s a little dote. She sleeps in my arms in the evenings curled up like a baby. She’s great with kids and other dogs. Shes trained to sit, stay and be gentle. She’s also doing great with crate training. Will post pictures shortly.


    Ruby the baby of the house


    Hi again, I heard that Ruby had been booked to her forever home last week, but I noticed that she’s still on the site in the looking for homes section. Hoping that everything is ok with her and she got to her home. :) If for any reason she is available again I’d still love to meet the little lady.


    Ruby went to her new home last week and her family contacted me during the week to tell me that they are all smitten with her and she’s getting on great. I was so jealous of her when she was going – her new family and home are so fantastic I wanted them to adopt me!!! Her new name is Doughnut!! :lol:


    Ruby is back in foster with us again through no fault of her own and looking for her forever home .


    As long as the return reason wasn’t down to behavioural issues we’d still be interested.
    What age is Ruby now? Could we meet her? I’m PMing you Deemeister. :)


    Rubys in foster with us now and she is getting on great! She’s very good with other dogs and just wants to play. She’s only seven months so gets a little excited and jumps up abit but we’re doing some training with her and she’s getting much better, she learns really fast! She loves her walks and when we take her to the fields she loves running through all the long grass. Then once we’re home she likes a good snuggle on the couch when she settles down for a sleep. I’ll post up some updated photos soon.


    Since it was such a lovely day yesterday we decided to bring Ruby to the beach! It was packed with people but she was very well behaved on the lead and wasn’t trying to jump up on anyone which was great and we took some pics!


    Wow, she’s got so big!


    I shall pass on the compliments to Jimmy Liz! Ruby is still doing great and she has gotten bigger since her puppy pictures! We’ve had her out with the kids on our road getting her well socialised with kiddies and she’s brilliant! She gets really excited, she loves seeing kids I think she’s smart enough to know they’ll all play with her and give her loads of attention! She sits down and wags her tail waiting for the pats on the head, she even sits when the kids tell her to coz we told them to make sure she sits down before they pet her and even when they’re telling Kas to sit she just sits anyway and waits for a rub! I’m gona get some video of her and put it up, just have to sort out the video camera it doesn’t seem to want to work for me lately!


    Rubys having a lot of fun playing with our other foster puppy Sid, she’ll miss him when he goes to his new home this weekend :( Kas doesn’t play too much with the puppys, I think she knows she’s abit too big for them so it’s great that Ruby and Sid got on so well. I’m going to put up a link to a video of them playing. Hope this works. … 5b7c56.pbr



    Rubys getting on great even without her boyfriend Sid who went to his new home. I think she’s missing all the playing though, she trys to get a game going with Kas but with the heat Kas just wants to sleep! So then she trys with Sula and she plays a little with her but not much so Ruby eventually gives up and just hops back up on the couch with a sad little look in her eyes, snuggles up to me and goes asleep. Poor Ruby! But my sisters dog loves her and plays with her so I’ll arrange some play dates with them to cheer her up!


    Poor Ruby is still waiting on her forever home. She’s lying beside me on the couch having a nap after her walk. Two other dogs have come and gone with us but little Ruby is still waiting but I know there’s a special home out there for her. She is definately more suited to being in a house with no other dogs and it’s not that she doesn’t get on with them she’s great with all the dogs that have been in the house but true to her Staffy breed she’s so much love to give and wants all the affection to herself. If we spent the last hour rubbing her belly and then go to pet one of the other dogs she’ll hop up and come over and nuzzle her way in to share all their attention too just so she doesn’t miss out on anything! And she’s so cute and sweet she deserves to have someone who’ll smother her with affection.


    I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Ruby last week when I dropped Teddy over. Ruby is a lovely friendly staffie. She gave me a lovely greeting and was so friendly towards Teddy. She is a very good looking dog, her coat is lovely and shiney. She deserves to get that special home where she will be loved and loved. She will give so much in return.

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