Roxy – Little terrier (featuring her best pal bindi!)

Roxy – Little terrier (featuring her best pal bindi!)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Roxy – Little terrier (featuring her best pal bindi!)

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    I had the pleasure of visiting Alex and Rosie in their new home last night! They are so happy and loved! Fair play to Sonya, Jimmy and Mark ;)


    Hi all . Just a little pic of the beautiful miss Roxy taken on Frid. She is doing great. Enjoy life to the full. Delighted my little babies are settling in their new homes. A few pics wouldn,t go astray. Maura.


    Hi all
    I have just posted a link for you to go into to see pictures of Roxy’s pup Rosie. She is with Alex (the other pup i adopted). Hope you can see the pictures as it has taken me forever to download it. Never come across anything so difficult. Anyway they are both doing great. Rosie is now sitting and giving the paw, she is loving her food and will try to eat Alex’s food if she could. Still having accidents in the house. She is going on big walks but will drop every so often when she has had enough and needs a break…she is very funny. Hope you can see the pics!


    Thanks SonyaandJimmy for the pics. They are brilliant and Rosie looks like a midget beside Alex. She is a little dote and I had a real soft spot for her as she was the first of the trio to love her cuddles. She was the smallest of the three when born.She always had her tongue hanging out. Thanks so much for giving her and Alex such a wonderful home. Maura.


    Hi all. Just a little update on my girls. As you are probably all aware by now I have Roxy and Bindi and a house guest for a week The Beautiful Miss Lola. She is on her Happy Holidays with me while her Forever Family Are in Spain for a week, More about her later. Well Roxy and Bindi are brilliant. She is a right little Diva and great in every way. Her and Bindi are glued at the hip and she looks after Bindi ever so well. They are both brilliant in the house especially when I go to work and never an accident. Roxy is a good watch dog. They are both brilliant with kids and fantastic with all dogs. They are very obedient and know all my house rules. Roxy would certainly be the more outgoing of the two while Bindi is a little more reserved. They are both very gentle and love their cuddles and Bindi just adores been brushed. They would be perfect together in a family envirnoment. I,m trying to rehome them together as it would be a sin to split them now and together they are so undemanding as they have each other. So fingers crossed. They are both getting on great with Lola as you will see from the pics on the way,And guess whose boss, its Roxy thats after me of course. Maura.


    That Big Red thing is great fun.


    Do you not see I,m relaxing.


    We,re all relaxing in the sunshine.


    Is,nt life just great


    Treat time with Auntie Nicola.
    He He , We ate all her Apple pie.


    It,s back to Relaxing again


    Oh Please,Please Auntie Nicola can we have some more.


    Oh It,s that Big Red thing again.


    God I feel so small, Will I ever look like that.

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