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February 14, 2013 at 7:15 pm #79728
MemberThis beautiful girl is gone into foster with Jenny
February 16, 2013 at 10:01 pm #114079JennyC
Memberresting after a busy day and a bath. the rule "no dogs on a couch" has definitely been broken. but she is so cute, that i just couldn’t say no.
February 17, 2013 at 9:14 pm #114088JennyC
MemberJust a quick update. We collected Rose yesterday. She travel fine in a car, but was lucky to get out. She is a bit shy, went around the house with paying no attention to our cats. She just ignored them, as she is way bigger, no no threat there.
She is 100% house trained. She likes when we call her Rosie, is she doesn’t see herself as serious as Rose, so Rosie sounds way better.
She gets very much excited when we go for walk. Unfortunately i was sick with the flue all weekend, so only short walks. She knows how to walk on the lead, but needs to be reminded to stop jumping around as excitement takes over sometimes.
It is only a second day with us and she still feels a bit sad. I think she is missing her pups. Rosie is an only dog in house, but we try to keep her company as much as possible. Her personality is slowly coming through. She is very gentle and she feels best when she is lying in couch watching everyone around. She jumped on to the sofa as soon as she saw it, so it would be our guess, that she used doing that in her previous home.
She also has a habit of hiding food, especially treats. There are about 3-4 peaces under the bed at the moment.
She got her bath yesterday and she wasn’t very happy about it, but really liked sleeping under the blanket after it, which kept her warm.
Rosie is a really sweet and adorable dog.February 20, 2013 at 1:48 pm #114138JennyC
MemberRosie is settling in well. She is still shy, but slowly settling in and getting used to the surroundings.
we have some difficulty in going for a walk, as she is more than happy to be outside, but no longer than 10 minutes. after doing all her business she starts asking to go home and loses interest in everything what is going on around her. She is very smart, and only being with us 4 full days, she knows where her home is, how to get there. I am trying to extend our walks gradually, so hopefully after a bit of time she will start enjoying them again.
Rosie prefers female company at the moment. She is a bit shy around my husband and is very confident with me. We will try to get into the park at the weekend, to see how she will get around other dogs and people. She is fine with our cats, she ignoring them for most of the time. Rosie definitely likes her new name and responds to it perfectly.
She is very gentle and calm dog, she won’t be the one to run around the house or bark. she likes spending her time looking through the window into the garden, watching everyone around her.February 23, 2013 at 10:19 pm #114201JennyC
MemberRosie had a wonderful day at the park. She likes socializing with other dogs. Was running with them, following them around, exploring surroundings. She especially likes yorkshire terriers and they love her. It is amazing, how she allows them to crawl all over her, kiss her. They are just her favorite, and they are not afraid of her.
Her recall was good, but sometimes when she is so interested in something she turns on her selective hearing and tries to ignore me. That works with me, but it doesn’t work with my husband, who definitely doesn’t’ allow her not to respect him and she knows it.
We also had friends in a house yesterday. It was a first time Rosie saw new people after the pound. At first she was shy and was trying to stay closer to me or hide under the table, but slowly they won her heart and she was all around them. Even managed to get some chicken from my friend Senead.
Also, she now begins to notice that there are actually two cats around the house. She tries to play with them without realizing she is 10 times bigger and therefore they are a bit scared of her, but she never chases them, only tries to interact when they approach her. She slips in a couch in my husbands study and one of cats sleeps on the chairs in the same room. They are fine with arrangement and enjoying company of each other all night long.February 25, 2013 at 5:03 pm #114226JennyC
MemberRosie enjoying herself in a park today.
February 25, 2013 at 5:04 pm #114227JennyC
Memberand one more
February 25, 2013 at 7:50 pm #114231Natasha
MemberDelighted Rosie is having fun. We are fostering Steve and he is a great pup. Rosie should be very proud of her parenting skills.
March 6, 2013 at 9:43 am #114367JennyC
MemberThanks Natasha. Rosie is till a bit like a pup herself.
I was away for couple of days, so my husband was looking after her. She is still a bit of unsure of the male company, she definitely likes women more, but her confidence was growing every day.
She is very relaxed girl, who enjoys spending her days on a couch. She would suit a calmer house, she likes kinds, but it older kids would suit more, as she get tired with younger ones very quickly.March 7, 2013 at 8:20 pm #114383JennyC
MemberWell, Rosie has decided today, that she is tired of being a Labrador and being a cat will suit her more
. We got her Royal Canine for the Labradors, and she completely refused to eat it. Even mixing it with her favorite canned food did not help. She just doesn’t like it. Well, pieces of that dry food is a lot bigger than the one she had before. And she decided, that she really like our cats new food, so had to save my cats from dying from starvation and feed them separately.
We also learned one command and she now know how to give the pawShe happily does this with me, but still has doubts when we are trying to show that to someone. So we will be practicing more. Also, we’re trying to learn to sit, but she makes it complicated, as whenever I call her she runs and sits on her own next to me without even me starting the command
She is very smart girl. Also, today was the first day when she started recognizing toys. She took the squeaky bone and was carrying it around the house. It is not playing, but it is a huge progress, because she used to ignore it completely.March 11, 2013 at 9:19 pm #114429JennyC
MemberRosie has found her forever home is has left today with the lovely couple Michael and Veronica and will be staying in Skerries.
She will be very missed, as she is lovely and gentle dog who won our hearts. Michael has promised to call me in a week to update and let me know, how she is doing. We also agreed, that i will go to visit them, but will allow Rosie to settle in first to make sure we do not confuse her. All her toys are gone with her, to make sure she has something familiar with her.March 12, 2013 at 10:13 am #114434PatC
MemberWell done Jenny for taking such good care of Rose. She is such a gentle soul.
I hope that Rose has a long and happy life with her new forever family.March 12, 2013 at 2:31 pm #114438Bea
MemberDelighted to hear this. I did the home visit for this wonderful couple and I know Rosie will be very very happy there
. I wouldn’t have minded being adopted myself
You did a great job with Rosie, lovely to hear such a happy ending.
And Rosie it will be great to have the beach on your doorstepMarch 13, 2013 at 9:00 pm #114463JennyC
MemberMichael called today to share his first two days with Rosie. He is delighted and all his family are very happy with this new addition.
Rosie got a new bed on Monday, however, after a night in a living room she was found sleeping on a sofa. This is partially my fault, as i couldn’t say no to her and she sleep on a sofa in our house. However, Michael decided, she might not liked her bed, returned the old one and got a new one, very soft, with the pillow inside. And Rosie loves those kind of soft things and she sleep all night in it.
Also she spends all her time next to the fireplace with the new owner.
They also went on a beach, and Rosie was very happy, running around, socializing with other dogs. I am delegated for her, as this gentle soul deserves all the best.
Will post more updates, as Michael promised to call often. We are very happy that they found each other and i am sure, they will be very happy together.April 7, 2013 at 8:50 pm #114873JennyC
Memberjust want to drop a little note about Rosie and her new owner Michael.
They called twice just to share on how they are happy with Rosie and how Rosie is settling in.
She absolutely like her new home. She also gets lost of attention from Michaels’ granddaughter. They meet every morning and first they do is to hug each other.
Rosie also gets lost of walks on the beach, she meets penny of other dogs and enjoys it very much. She still demands that some one would go to the garden with her, as she refuses to be there alone. But in fairness, if she has to wake up at 7am, why everyone else should stay in bed? It wouldn’t be Rosie, is she didn’t force someone to go there with her.I am delighted for her, and thank you so much to Michael for calling and telling me all those details from Rosies’ life.
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