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September 15, 2014 at 5:45 pm #80781
MemberIn foster with Elsa who will update soon
September 17, 2014 at 7:14 pm #121463Indianna
Memberwhat a worried little soul. Chin up kiddo, everything has changed for you. Can’t wait to see you running around happy and playing
September 18, 2014 at 8:11 am #121496Indianna
MemberI will be following your progress young Rosco. I feel very sad for you at the moment but know that feeling will change soon, hopefully
September 18, 2014 at 9:18 pm #121508Indianna
MemberGood night sweet puppy dog, I hope you have sweet dreams
September 19, 2014 at 10:45 am #121512martem
MemberThis little boy came to us two days ago. He is a most nervous and scared little man. He is very gentle but jumps and cowers at almost every sound and movement. It breaks my heart that he is such an skinny boy and seems to be constantly hungry and searching for food. Hopefully it wont take long to get him to his proper weight and he will realise that he does not have to worry about being hungry again. Despite all of this is he a very sweet and gentle boy. It will take time for him to feel completely comfortable and secure -I imagine he has not had much loving human contact to date but he is becoming more confident and wags his tail furiously as he cautiously approaches. Lots of friendly gentle words and slow movements seem to be doing the trick, I think he will be one of those dogs that even when you are telling them ‘No’ you will have to do it very gently. I was a bit worried that he would have trouble settling at night, being in a new enviorment etc. but he has been wonderful at night. Unfortunately he has been suffering with bad diarrhea since we got him so there have been a few unpleasant clean-ups in the morning but the poor little boy can’t help that, and he has been dry so I am hoping that is a good sign. The first few walks we went on he almost jumped out of his own skin to get away when he say other people or dogs approaching. We had to just hunker down beside him and pet him gently until they passed, even in a couple of days he has made huge improvements, and although his first instinct is to run he relaxes more quickly and he has even started approaching other people and dogs. After our walk the last couple of mornings we’ve gone to a quiet little beach and I have let him off the lead, which he has enjoyed so much. He likes the water and had great fun chasing birds up and down the beach with our dog Ruby (some photos attached). This little boy will take time but you can tell that he will be a wonderful, happy dog one day.
September 19, 2014 at 11:41 am #121514Indianna
MemberThank you so much for that lovely up-date and much happier images. I can relax now. You are saints for helping this poor little dog, you really are
September 19, 2014 at 7:55 pm #121520LuvMyFurKids
MemberRosco you are on the road to becoming a more confident collie and its all down to DID and your fab foster family…..looking forward to the next update with more progress to hear of
September 20, 2014 at 5:18 pm #121466martem
MemberThanks guys and thanks for following his progress – But it’s really all down to the amazing work done by the organisers in DID. None of these dogs would have the same chance at happiness without them. I’m glad to say that after a visit to the Vet yesterday (again enormous praise to the Vets who help all these dogs for DID) Rosco is on the mend and there was no horrible mess last night. He is probably the most nervous, timid little dog we have looked after to date but he really is coming on in leaps and bounds even in a few short days. It is so obvious that he has huge amounts of love to give. He has no training that we can see and is not properly house trained so there is some basic work to be done. Even teaching him ‘sit’ is tricky because when you put your hand at his back to guide him down he cowers and tries to move away. But he will get there and some lucky person will end up with a gorgeous, wonderful loving dog.
September 20, 2014 at 9:45 pm #121527LuvMyFurKids
MemberMartem if you private me I will share with you a very similar experience I had training a terrified collie …all with hand signals no touch involved…
September 25, 2014 at 6:20 pm #121590martem
MemberRosco went for his operation yesterday and all went well. He is coping well with the cone, it’s obvious the stitches are bothering him somewhat today but he is still being a super brave boy. He is just such a lovely boy, he obviously had a rough start in life but he is so loving and trusting and willing to give people a chance. He loves to be petted and spoken to – and looks at you with those big brown eyes like he is looking for approval, he has become a real tail wagger. He can also be a bit of a ‘divil’ at times. A couple of times when we have been out during the day he has emptied the re-cycling bin and had a good rummage and chew through it, he has also had a couple more accidents in the house since his operation- but he looks so guilty and sorry sitting outside the back door as I clean up (he literally sits looking in with a really sincere sorry look on his face). Who could stay mad at that gorgeous face??
September 25, 2014 at 9:23 pm #121591Indianna
MemberHuge improvement, he is not frozen with fear any more.
September 25, 2014 at 9:42 pm #121593DID Rescue
KeymasterLooking good Rosco
I have to say with all this shyness you do a very good sorry I am guilty look
Life will improve even thought I know you will never be Mr Confident but that’s ok too.
Your foster Mum certainly has a handle on you and understands what is required which is excellent for you.
Just one word of advice please stay out of the bin in the interest of health and safetyotherwise you will get yourself into all sorts of mischief and nobody wins.
I am certain and sure that your Foster Mum will remember to feed you on a regular basis….trust me give it a chance
Looking forward to seeing you progress into a little more confident boy.September 28, 2014 at 3:14 pm #121630martem
MemberRosco is coming along so amazingly well. He still has some issues but it makes us all so happy to see how his confidence and happiness levels have gone up in the short time he has been with us. Even physically, despite still needing to gain weight, his coat now looks healthy and shiny and he literally smiles when he’s having fun. He really is a very trusting dog who loves human contact. It’s clear that if you treat him gently and kindly he will be your best most loyal friend. He seems to have a touch of separation anxiety when left alone which leads him to be a little destructive (ripping apart the re-cycling bin etc) and that will need to be worked on, but I have no doubt it can be. His stomach is also not quite right yet. He was on special food for the last week but now that it’s finishing and we are weaning him back to the dry kibble he has had some more diarrhea. And still needs to be fully house trained – but again this can be dealt with. He has come so far already.
September 29, 2014 at 2:12 pm #121639Indianna
MemberReally. So soon. Well done young man
September 30, 2014 at 4:57 pm #121658martem
MemberI know – so fast!! We weren’t ready for the phone call so quickly but the right person saw his page and… when you know – you know! We will miss him so much but couldn’t be happier that he will be able to settle into his permanent home so quickly, which is exactly what a dog like Rosco needs – stability and love. He is going to a lovely family, we know they will love him and he will be the most wonderful dog for them. I took some lovely photos on our walk today when Rosco was feeling particularly playful. He lay on the ground and had a most enjoyable roll around after his run up the hill. He has such personality and it comes out more every day. We will miss him but know that he will be one happy, lucky dog.
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