Rosa – Rottie Pup

Rosa – Rottie Pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Rosa – Rottie Pup

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    Name: Rosa

    Reference Number: 1438

    Sex: Female

    Age: 6 months old

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: D.5

    Date Out: 1st December 2008

    Gimme a kiss! :)


    my goodness, she’s stunning! Have we any further info on this girl at all at all???


    Will have an update on temperment tomorrow but she is very much in danger and only a baby. :cry:


    Rosa is lovely :D much smaller than she looks in the photo and friendly with other dogs. :)


    What a stunner! Can’t believe this baby has found her way into the pound. If I had the room I’d take her tomorrow but unfortunately I’ve a full house with my 3 already. Please can someone help this little girl as rotties are so misunderstood and are one of the most loving dogs around.


    Rosa is lovely… settled in like she has always been here! My girls are off today and when I was leaving she was getting a BATH!!!

    We are in love with her. :lol: All we want for Christamas DADDY is to keep her :D

    She is a little sweet heart, playful, full of love, hugs, kisses and a real gem.

    She has already picked her spot for sleeping… She has chosen upstairs in Vonnie’s room… House-training on a roll!!!

    Keep you all updated!


    Delighted to hear this Lorraine … Rotties are the best, keep us updated, can’t get over your already large crew of furbabies, fab doggies!


    All our dreams have come true… Rosa now Minnie as in Minnie Mouse (because she is the sweetest thing you could ever set eyes on) is part and parcel of our family.

    She will never ever feel unwanted, the cold, hunger or unloved again. Instead she will be smothered with kisses, cuddles and playtime. We are delighted!!

    She has settled in brilliantly – Our other dogs love her, shes so gentle and loving I nearly cry when I look at her to think what might have been.

    We are thinking of doing a Utube of her for ye and the world to show how gentle these giants are. Max and Minnie play together and with our other smaller (CKC) dogs so gentle sometimes you need to see to believe… A credit to their Breed.. No lights on my Christmas tree yet as they are all still at the tree but hey ho still time! :lol:


    Minnie is going in to be spayed on Tuesday… Big day for her and my daughter Von (Siobhan). :cry: Von thinks poor Minnie will never get over it. Poor mite has her like her baby. Minnie sleeps in her bed every night still and has to be tucked in if you don’t mind!! :roll:

    The two of them are still as thick as thieves :lol:

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