This poor boy is one of the many Huskies in the Country that was bought by people who did not research the breed and realise that unless they were either training for a marathon or a serious fitness enthuasist they could not give the live that is required to a Huskie.
Now hundreds in Ireland are being dumped daily.
I wish they were never allowed into the Country. I have seen them In Finland and that is where they need to be not here as the next thing to have
This lovely boy is doing very well in foster….he is getting on great with the other dogs… 20141122_141702.jpg 20141122_142151 (2).jpg 20141122_142146.jpg
This special boy deserves his happy ending…he is waiting months for someone to fall in love & adopt him…he is full of life & fun..there must be someone out there looking for this special boy..
Please fill in an adoption application form if you think you could be the person for Rock..