Ringo – 8mt old Cavilier King Charles –

Ringo – 8mt old Cavilier King Charles –

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ringo – 8mt old Cavilier King Charles –

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    This little baby is gone into foster with Siobhan, who will update soon. ;)
    Picture 419.jpg


    This little man has been with us for just over a week now and has settled in very well. He is a really friendly pup and he just loves everybody – even our cat. Ringo loves his food and his treats and is learing to be very obedient. He has already learnt "sit", "no" and "don’t touch". The toilet training is nearly there and he now goes to sleep at night without a peep. He enjoys his food and like myself doesn’t like to eat too early in the morning. They get breakfast at 8 but it could be 9 or 9.30 before Ringo decides he is ready to eat his. He is very energetic and loves to play ball and chase my dog round the garden. She normally comes in and lies in a quiet corner exhausted while he tries to persuade her to keep playing- and she is a collie x !!!. My 3 boys were practicing hurling in the garden the other evening but he kept stealing the ball and it was impossible to get it back because he runs so fast in and out of the shrubs. He is going for trials for Dublin next week !!!. The boys adore him and he them. But he has formed a really good bond with my dog. He follows her everywhere and sits looking up at her with adoration. And she in turn is very taken with him – she still wont let him near her food bowl though. Himself and the cat have come to an understanding – he wont chase her and she wont attack him. They can now inhabit the same space with no problems. So he is a real all-rounder who just loves company – canine, feline or human.


    In his forever home :D :D

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