Well Ricky has been neutered and is in great form.
He is at his happiest when he is skinning tennis ball, pulling ears of teddies or removing stuffing.
It turn out Ricky has been through the Pound system before as he was adopted from Ashton. I also noticed he lifted a back leg at time when running along but so do many jrt’s but got him x-rayed just in case.
It turned out that poor little Ricky had been hit by a car and had a fracture to his spine and one to his pelvis but was left untreated. They have healed now and he is well able to fly along and keeps up with all the other dogs.
He is a funny little man always has a frown as if he is busy working thing out. He loves sitting up beside you and feeling very important.
He loves catching a ball when he is not dissecting it.