Reserved – Pepper (formerly Leslie): blue merle collie cross

Reserved – Pepper (formerly Leslie): blue merle collie cross

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Reserved – Pepper (formerly Leslie): blue merle collie cross

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    Well, Pepper (we changed her name from Leslie: it just didn’t seem doggie enough) has been with us a week now, and what a playful, loving, sweet little girl she is. She’s really bright too, cheekily stealing butter and cheese. She adores the kids (age 11 and 17) as well as their friends and is delighted to see other dogs when in the park. So far she has seen one cat balancing along our wall: suffice to say neither she nor the cat were impressed.
    Pepper adores playing, be it with a ball or a chew toy or tugging on an old tea towel. She jumps up to join in family hugs and almost dances on her back legs whenever she sees one of us. She loves affection.
    She’s well house-trained and is very territorial of the space she’s claimed — the kitchen and the back garden. All of her own accord, she won’t venture out of these areas. She won’t go out the front door either, so a walk around the neighbourhood is out of the question at the moment. She loves her walks in the park though.
    Pepper has her difficulties, but we’re working on them. She scares very easily, but she’s getting better. She needs lots of love and understanding, but she also needs to know that she’s not pack leader.
    She’s still nervous of men, particularly men with beards or men wearing boots. My partner (who has both) has slowly won her over with kindness and treats, but she still barks at him sometimes. She also barks and cowers at most strangers and at loud noises.
    Small issues really, and definitely improving.
    I’m not sure how we’ll say goodbye to our Pepper… She’s a darling.


    We fell in love with this little girl up the pound and are still very interested in adopting her. The name pepper is lovely and really suits her so happy that she is doing fine and has settled in so well :D


    Oh, I am so glad. She really needs a warm and loving home. On Saturday we gave her a bone. She wasn’t sure what to do with it — eat it? No way! — but has subsequently buried.
    Yesterday in the park her excitement at seeing all the other dogs was so great that she escaped from her lead twice. She did come back of her own accord though.


    Pepper still needs a home.
    Nearly three weeks have flown by and Pepper is chewing on a bone on her bed in the kitchen as if she were queen of the place. My 11-year-old son is lying with her as I write, dressing her in tea towels.
    She’s been to the vet and been declared beautiful, of excellent weight, with a nice healthy coat.
    She’s still rather nervous of men — not helped by a house full of burly builders clattering scaffolding about — but she’s definitely improving.
    She loves her walks and is finally brave enough to actually wee in the bushes, which made us all cheer which no doubt surprised other walkers. She has a harness for her walks now which is great because her Houdini skills were impressive, and improving. Pepper’s no dumb doggie!
    I’d love her to find a forever home though… One with children and other dogs maybe, because she really adores children and dogs to play with, and one with treats and love and patience (and maybe someone who wants to take her to dog training: she’s so smart, but so determined to do walks her way).


    any pics of tghis lovely girl?


    yes if you search under leslie in dogs in foster care


    Actually she’s under puppies now, as Pepper. It’s all getting very confusing…
    No new photos because she doesn’t like the camera. She hides like I’m the paparazzi!


    I remember Pepper from the pound. Absolutely beautiful looking dog. She was a little nervous but very loving. I think with certain amimals it is all about patience. It takes time and than suddenly they have transformed and there is no looking back. Pepper is certainly worth giving the time to. Thank you for fostering her and giving her the chance to shine. Pity she is camera shy. It would be lovely to see some photos of her. Maybe you could camouflage yourself as a tree or something. Good luck


    DID Rescue

    Pepper is with me at the moment and Myla is putting her in her place, its really funny to watch as Myla is so small but full of attitude.
    Pepper has been spayed on Monday and is doing well I was able to take off her lampshade after 24 hours and she has not bothered about the stitches which is great.
    She is getting used to all the activity here and is starting to play ball.
    She is getting more confident every day but will still need some understanding to progress in her new home.


    Oh, we are missing Pepper here. Those big blue eyes and the way she puts her head on your lap is just precious. So glad she’s learning about other dogs and doggy behaviour though, and delighted her operation went well. Please give her hugs from her foster family.


    Some photos sent in tonight by Jennie of the lovely Pepper


    DID Rescue

    Pepper went to her new home today with Sharon, Ken and one little girl who is 3 years and an older boy who is going to take her with Dad to training classes.
    She has a lovley new Rogz bed Pink and Chocolate and lots of new toys.
    We will get some updates once she settles in.

    Best of luck little girl and I hope you have a great life and if you ever need any advice or help ring me on the mobile.


    Oh that’s wonderful news! Good luck to Sharon, Ken and family… Hope she settles in and enriches your family. She’s a wonderful, smart, quirky little doggy. Give her hugs from all of us.

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