RESERVED – Harley – Yorkie

RESERVED – Harley – Yorkie

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    Name: Harley

    Reference Number: 365

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Dublin 8

    Date Out: 5th April 2010

    This fella is about 4 years old


    this little man is very scared in the pound,he needs to get out into foster.if anyone could help please contact gwen


    There is a minature Yorkie dog missing in Dublin 8. I have a contact number which I called. It is not the owners phone number but the person I spoke to will get in touch with them asap. My only doubt is that the dog they lost is 10 years of age, so possibly not the same dog. The missing dog is called Toby and he went missing on 25th March.


    Hi folks, I got a call from ladles and got onto my friends. Actually they had seen this little guy too and he is also not Toby who is 10 yrs old. Thanks for all the help and we must keep searching. I would foster him in a heartbeat but am in Belgium at mo till Tue. This is the third yorkie between here & Dunboyne but not Toby. Tks again.


    Poor little man, the pound is really not the place for him. :(
    I can help if needed just say the word.
    You just gotta look after the Yorkies there the best :D


    This little man is gone into foster with Marese :D Thanks a million ;)


    He is teeny weeny but not short on character.He travelled well in the car. He has christened every chair leg since he arrived . He was as good as gold being bathed and then we discovered the matted rear end, all sorted now. He has adopted a stuffed tiger and is busy humping it.He has also tried it on with Pippa which is hilarious as he is only the size of her head. Quite a dominant little creature .The other two don’t quite now what to make of him (and thats just the dogs).



    I was wondering if anyone has any information on Harley the Yorkie in ashton pound and also what does Date Out: 5th April 2010 mean?


    Poor Harley was terrified and I really did not appreciate just how terrified.He would not walk on the lead he would not eat unless hand fed, he piddled everywhere on the first night. His coat was quite matted .
    Harley was away in Galway for the weekend.He had a ball he has really calmed down in the last few days. He traveled very well in the car . Not a bother at night since the first night, all dry. Eating all around him (thanks to Eddie for the advice) . He is good at coming back when called . I wondered was he out before as he seemed to get a huge fright when he walked into a bramble or he sniffed a nettle but he soon got the hang of it. I have noticed when we walk down near traffic he becomes really scared and shakes ,the poor little thing so I pop him into a bag and he settles.But once away from the noise as soon as he sees any green area and he wiggles out of the bag and goes like a mad thing racing around with the other two. We went on a really long walk on Sunday and I expected to have to carry him for most of it but he only asked to be picked up once. He has no difficulty at all letting you know just what he wants, he is very, very cute . Did I mention he was bossy :lol: the other two are wary as they have been told off on more than one occasion.


    Great news about Harley.

    So glad he found wonderful people like you and your family to look after him and allow the true Yorkie inside to start to shine :D


    this little fella has a great social life he was visited by a potential new mum and sister and got on very well with them, then off with him up to meet my sons girlfriends family arriving back smelling of perfume . He loves attention and knows all he has to do in the morning is make noise and that gets him up onto my lap while i have coffee before our walk. I have been given notice that coffee time is up gotta get some :) leads


    Harley has his suitcase out, he is off to have a wonderful life with his new mum and sister Mitzi. He will no longer have to share with Pippa and Buzz (not that he did,he just took over Pippa’s bed) .He has already decided that he likes his mum and sister as he has delivered a few kisses. Both dogs can sit on the same lap , the pigs ears can be eaten in around the same time so he wont have two dogs drooling at him as he takes his time to eat his. Perfect ending. Mind you, this little fella had two perfect homes waiting on him, lucky dog.


    great news for Harley..thanks for taking such good care of him!! you are super!!


    Little Harley is coming home to his new home today and we are all so very excited about it ! :P He’ll soon be enjoying life in the country with his big sister Mitzi who knows something big is on the cards as there has been new beds and toys bought :x

    Thanks so much for everything Marese and I’ll see you later this evening to pick my little man up !

    Will update soon with pictures of the little guy and his new sister.

    Can’t wait !

    Maria xXx


    Well, what can I say about this little fella ?! He’s absolutely adorable and I am sooo lucky to have him ! :D I’ve fallen head over heels in love with him. First off, his new forever name is Buzz in a tribute to his lovely foster Mom – thanks Marese ;) He shook for ages when I first got him out to the car, I settled him and we began on our journey to Athy where he was introduced to his big sister Mitzi. After meeting Mitzi, well, he ran about the whole house christening everything he could see and putting his mark on the place :lol: Think he’s getting that out of his system now. He had a great night, only one bark out of him and then we all headed off for a walk this morning at 7:30 and he even remembered which house was his on the way back ! :P On account of it being such a gorgeous day, I put himself and Mitzi out in the back garden to play and the two of them just sat on the step looking in at me and scratching to get back in, haven’t even tried out their new kennel yet. They’re back inside now catching sunbeams – but on the floor in the kitchen ! :lol: He won’t share a bed with Mitzi quite yet but I am hoping that will change, she just wants to cuddle up beside him but he’s having none of it and hops up or off my knee if she tries to join us for a cuddle too, she’s such a placid little girl with the kindest heart and just looks up at me with her big sad eyes when this happens. She’s really warmed to her little brother, he’s just taking a bit longer to warm to her so at the minute they are both getting their own ‘Mommy’ time. Hopefully that’ll change soon … and actually a first for him, he stayed in the bed beside her that time when I lifted him in for all of 3 minutes – a start !!! :D I’m going to give him a bath now as the groomer wouldn’t take him today cos of his kennel cough. He’s booked in for his operation on Wednesday so a big week ahead of him ! He’s a lovely little fella and I’m a very lucky woman to have 2 such beautiful dogs ! Little Buzz has found his forever home, and I’m just delighted it’s with us !! :P xXx

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