Remember Angel? Adopted October 2008

Remember Angel? Adopted October 2008

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Remember Angel? Adopted October 2008

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    Hi folks,
    I’ve not been on for well over a year, possibly two years but wanted to post a couple of pics of Angel. She’s still our number one girl, we’d be totally lost without her and although at times she’s a little diva, she’s our girl and nobody could ever change that.

    I still remember the first day I met her, she was coming to me for a week to recover following surgery and I would be her foster mum. Then she went to her forever home which didn’t last long and she landed her paws back with us. From the minute I met Angel she stole my heart, sending her to her forever home that day broke my heart and so upon her return to us for further fostering we instantly made a decision, to become failed foster parents and adopt her.

    It took almost a year to see some serious changes in her. The first couple of months we worked on her nerves and helped her to understand that a raised hand didn’t mean she was going to get hit but a huge cuddle and lots of love. It killed me because I’d never known a dog so nervous, her bones used to rattle when she shook. Now she loves her cuddles, is a very confident dog who doesn’t take nonsense. A lot of the time cuddles are on her terms but that’s ok. She knows she is loved and we know she loves us too. I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

    Here is a pic of her.


    What a lovely post. She is a real little cutie and great to hear her story.

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