Re: Zeus – Lab X – approx 2yrs – ref. 307 – HOMED

Re: Zeus – Lab X – approx 2yrs – ref. 307 – HOMED

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    Collected Zeus this morning. He was petrified and after considerable coaxing I just had to carry him out to the car and from the car to the house. He is friendly and wags his tail when approached but is plainly terrified. He is a lovely dog and if he can recover from the situation he is in will be a wonderful pet.

    The biggest problem is that he will not eat and is already seriously underweight. We are trying him with lots of different foods but so far no luck. Lets hope that being in a home will enable him to calm down enough to eat.


    Poor boy….thanks so much for giving him a chance…


    Fair play to you Jimd09. All this boys needs is a chance. Fingers crossed he’ll come around to the food soon.


    Just look at that poor scared face! :( :( So glad to see this beauty in foster. Well done. :D :D


    Oh thank god this baby is not in the pound any longer…….hopefully he will start to eat soon…..we’re all wishing you well little man


    He’s doing a little better today. He has eaten another 2 sausages and some cheese and a Dentastix but dog food seems to be a bridge too far :)

    He isn’t house trained and is very reluctant to toilet outside since he is so scared of other dogs, people and loud noises but we did manage a short trip to the park today.

    He is very affectionate though and is quite generous with his face licks.

    Despite having a lovely bed he has discovered the sofa and seems quite attached to that. Overall, some progress and he is definitely starting to relax – slightly.
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    Labs are the best dogs. Hope that he can overcome his ordeal and show his true nature and live his doggy life to full x


    Ah, fair play Zeus… sausages, Dentastix and the sofa…are you sure you aren’t a collie? If you think you are a collie then you will hold out for boiled chicken and will ensure that you have a sleep on a "people" bed and have a bit of telly, possibly a good drama program…that’s if you don’t refuse to come inside after the evening walk. I can see you train your people in nicely ;)


    That’s great news Jim…..little steps…. you’ll will be amazed in a weeks time fingers and paws crossed….Velvet spent her first 3 days in a corner in the livingroom doing a Shirley Valentine impression now she can have her Doggie Diva moments.

    Zeus looks much more relaxed already and we look forward to the next instalment.


    Zeus has rediscovered his appetite and is busy following me every time I go into the kitchen :)
    He still won’t eat dog food though, obviously wasn’t used to it before so at the moment he is eating a variety of human food but given his low weight, that’s not such a bad thing.
    His toileting is erratic to say the least but is slowly becoming more predictable.
    He is still greatly averse to walking near other people or big dogs but he does like sniffing around if there’s no one about. He is also getting more used to the car which makes things easier


    Ah Jim and Zeus that has made my night …..delighted to hear you are eating again….who cares what it is as long as its keeping you alive…great job gentlemen!


    I did the transport for this boy who ended up not travelling as he was too unwell…..

    He was so out of sorts bless him and my heart went out to him as she was so unsure…..but 24hrs after the ordeal he was a different dog!

    Here are some pictures of him when I went back to visit him the next day!

    He liked being hand fed

    That was tasty

    Loved his belly being rubbed

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    Happy to relax take some of the rays and snooze….

    2013-07 iphone 094.JPG


    It is fantastic to see Zeus looking so happy and well. When he left us he had been poorly for a while and I was very worried about him. He is a lovely dog and is going to make a great pet for someone. I hope you had more success than we had getting him washed although he wasn’t well when he was with us so we couldn’t really insist.

    A lovely, lovely dog.


    Zeus is much more relaxed, he’s very affectionate when he gets to know you. He’s house trained and eating all his food, he likes going for his walk and been groomed , the only thing he doesn’t like strangers coming into the house as he is still very nervous of new people.

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