Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED

Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED

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    Inianna, I just told Willow that you love her and she gave me a kiss, so Im sure that was meant for you! :D

    (I also told her that it was ‘all about her’, but she said she already knew that… :roll: :lol: )


    Willow has had a fantastic weekend, loving the good weather!

    She’s been on her best behaviour this week, a true joy to be around. Her recall was great in the stables so she was able to run around the whole yard with Denzel and was very pleased with herself indeed! She’s being enjoying her training in the evenings and give has been added to her list :) Things seem to have really ‘clicked’ with her.

    Poor Willow tries so hard, her enthusiasm actually makes you laugh. Today she sat for her dinner like she always does, but happened to do so a little too far away from her bowl. She stared so hard at it trying to figure out how to get to it without walking over (not that we would have minded at all!!! We just wanted her to sit for a second and not to jump at the bowl while it was in our hands!) but she was determined not to get up, so she sat, shuffled, sat, shuffled shuffled, sat, sat, all the way across the kitchen, untill she deemed herself close enough to get up and eat!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    She’s such a kind hearted little girl who always puts a smile on your face. No matter how bad your day has been, Willow will make you laugh. ;) She has looks, intelligence, kindness and the most enthusiasm for life I have ever seen! Frankly I don’t know why there isnt a line a mile long of people with adoption forms banging down our door! :D


    ;) Willow, what a clever, clever little dog you are. Knowing you have to maintain your sit while your food is prepared and delivered but managing to get to your bowl without letting yourself or your foster family down. I am full of admiration for you. You could be the princess to Wogan’s princely status :D


    This little girl has stolen her foster families hearts and is not changing address :D Yippppppeeeee 8-)


    Congratulations! you kindly collected Melanie from vets and brought her to meet me 2 weeks ago. i am delighted that Willow has found her forever home with you. :D. anne


    :D Well, I am delighted – it was going to be one of us but I have been dithering for weeks and months now. Looking at my own dogs, watching Nellie steal all the toys from Dudley, even when she has a mountain of them and wondering whether I could offer Willow (Tia) a home that would be in her best interests. Now we have the answer and I honestly do think it is the very best outcome for this splendid little dog. Please do let us (OK, me :oops: ) know how she is getting on.


    Oh Angela and Fiona, I am SO THRILLED you decided to take this particular plunge – you won’t regret it, I promise!!!! :D :D :D And delighted that Denzel will be getting a permanent playmate. :D :D Big hugs and huge congrats to all there from all here! :D


    Thanks everyone! :D How could we give her up at this stage?! :? She’s had so much movement in her short life and she’s so happy here. The house would certainly be quiet without her, and even if he won’t admit it (and for ALL the sulking he did when she first came :lol: ), Denzel would be devastated if she left! She’s a true member of the family ;)

    I promise there will be lots of updates on Tia, you’ll all be sick of hearing about her! :lol: (Also Susan I promise there will be a proper update on Denzel soon, there’s just so much to say about him Im afraid I’ll exceed the word limit! ;) We have lots of pictures too, the camera is just full of Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel and more Denzel! :lol: )

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