Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED

Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED

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    The on-going battle of will between Willow and Cinders!!! Willow has yet to learn about ‘cat aloofness’ and not take it personally!!! :lol:


    Brilliant :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Love the update! Willow is quite a character! :lol:


    :D You little monkey Willow. You are very lucky that cat didn’t tear your face off as you were ‘pulling the rug out from under its feet’. Don’t push your luck ;) What a little sweetie you are :P

    DID Rescue

    Great update and very funny comments. :lol: Well done Fiona very inventive.
    Willow you are cruising for a bruising ;)


    Now Willow, how many rugs have you removed from under Cinders? I can imagine that poor cat clinging to its bed while being hauled around the place :lol: :lol: :lol: Shouldn’t really be laughing about your ‘activities’ regarding Cinders – but :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What a bright little thing you are – I have to admit I am rather smitten :oops:


    Well for anyone concerned about Willows safety, she’s alive and well! Cinders knows she has to play ball if she wants to sleep cuddled up beside the dogs at night time ;) And Willow has done worse, one of her favourite games is ‘moving house’, when she brings her bed around with her, and if Cinders happens to be on the bed she wants to relocate, well Cinders gets relocated too! :lol: :lol: :lol: She adores the cat really though. She’s always on ‘Cinders watch’ and if the cats outside and wants to come in, she’ll run to find us and tell us and wont be happy until we let her in, it’s really cute :D

    Willow and Denzel are now as thick as thieves. She’s stopped chasing his heels when we throw a ball for them now which is a relief for everyone ;) She’s not all that interested in the ball, just likes to run along beside him by herself or with a different toy.
    Although sometimes she will run and catch it, just because she knows he wants it. She’ll tease him with it then and Denzel the poor obsessive fool he is stalks her for however long it takes for her to drop it. :roll: She of course takes full advantage of this doing circles, turns, going around the whole field, anything to annoy him! We do fall over laughing looking at them :lol: :lol:

    She’s an absolute sweetheart. You are always guaranteed a very warm and enthusiastic welcome from her, no matter what time of the day or night it is. She’s never grumpy and if you come into the room after leaving for five minutes, you get the same greeting as if you’ve been gone for five hours! She’s a very special little girl with a huge heart. :)

    Here’s some pictures of her out and about!


    More pictures of the diva…


    I think you know your dog has had a good walk when they come home looking like this…. :roll: :lol:


    :D Fantastic photos and up-date on ‘Willow One’. Top dog for me ;) thank you so much. I often think about Willow and was very excited when I saw there was an up-date :P . Has she grown a bit more? Love the muddy legs and am happy to know that she really does, in her own little way, look after the cat ;) . Thank you again and again for the posting ;)


    Its great to see TWO of the dogs we fostered together. :D :D Denzel was a very special guy – only the size of my hand when we got him and, although we only had Willow for a short time, we marked her out as very special too! :D Delighted that they are having such a good time together and Willow looks really happy and settled in her new foster home. Thanks, Fiona, for the really fun update. :D :D


    I cannot be logged on to the web-site today and not visit my favourite, Miss Willow. Bet your legs look great after your mud treatment :lol: :lol: :lol: You need to send doggy vibes to Angel and the little neglected dog under Paws for a Chat. I have it in my TINY mind that you were also found in a bad way when living rough and just look at you now. I have to say, I am amazed that you are still in foster care, I suspect you would be a great midi agility dog. Actually, that said, I just think you are a great dog with huge potential for all canine activities ;) :D


    :? Calling Miss Willow :P I know things have probably not changed much for you but you have had another couple of weeks to show your foster family a bit more of the ‘real you’. Would love to know what you are up to – good and bad :lol: I am a rubbish stalker, everyone knows I am stalking you – but its good to have a hobby 8-)


    Wow sorry for the late update on Willow! Is it just me or did February fly in for everyone? In shock that its the sixth of March! :lol:

    Indianna, Willow says she greatly appriciates your stalking. She needs, and will take, all the love she can get! :D

    Willow gets sweeter every day. She loves her snuggles and falls straight to sleep if you rub her belly, you can just hear little mumble-y snores! ;)

    Her training has come on in leaps and bounds, she knows sit, down, bed, roll over, leave it and look. She knows stay too which is so handy for walking in and out of doors in the house. The next on the list is give. Shes super cute when you give her her dinner too, if you say ‘What do you have to do for dinner?’ she sits! :D Like most pet dogs she wont be winning any Cruffs obedience classes, but she’d have to win a prize for dog who tries the hardest! She’s happy when you’re happy and sometimes I think she prefers to hear ‘good girl’ than a treat!
    Her recall is not great yet in new places, she doesn’t run away just sniffs a big circle around you but wont come right back to you. It is good in familiar places like the field in the stables. Considering recall was non existent when when we started fostering her, I think that’s really good and she will get there!

    She’s as good as ever meeting new people and dogs. She loves car trips and just happily stares out the window without making a peep. She’s even better than Denzel with his weird ‘motorbikes driving behind our car’ phobia! :lol:

    She can be a little shy in new situations but her tail never stops wagging anyway! She just looks up at you to tell her its okay and then shes happy! :D

    It was so funny during the week, all was quiet (which is always suspicious with two dogs in the house!) so we called ‘Willow!’ who quickly emerged from the utility room with a sock completely covering her face, nose to eyes! I could barely stop laughing to help the poor dog out! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    All is quiet at the moment, she’s cuddled up under the radiator with Denzel. Will update soon. (Promise :D )


    :P You know what? I adore your little foster dog ;) I was SSOOOO excited when I saw there was a post. Who cares whether or not she would ever win some sort of competition, its just fun to take part. We don’t enter anything serious, I don’t have the time and being a carer to my 89 year old father (who is my chief dog-sitter :lol: ) often means I can’t travel any great distance so the shows we go to are all quite local. They are usually about fund-raising and meeting up with like-minded people rather than winning but it’s still nice when Nellie does something clever 8-) . That said, I do enjoy training the mutts and it’s great to see them when ‘the penny drops’ and they start to offer various moves/tricks to make that clicker give treats. I was at my vet practice last week to pay the bill for the boosters and worm pills and the receptionist and one of the nurses asked me when I was going to re-home another dog. Honestly, I don’t need encouragement – I AM TRYING TO BE SENSIBLE :( but it’s hard, it really, really is. I have been known to be stupid :oops: (a lot :P ). Anyway, it’s not about me, it is all about the wonderful Willow :D

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