Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED

Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED

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    From Willows foster mum :D

    Willow is in great form, she is a loving, playful dog.
    She is obedient therefore she doesnt cause problems.
    She sleeps throughout the night and loves curling up on the couch or bed with us.


    Willow continues to thrive..she is a gentle little girl who loves other dogs. She is small to medium in size, only 10kg :)


    Willow, you are looking great! Paws crossed your forever family are just around the corner and you will be willowing your way into their hearts very soon! ;)


    What were you doing to make you so tired Willow :? ? You look very relaxed 8-). Any news on your day to day activities? :D


    This little lady is doing great…her foster mum will update soon ;) She loves other dogs and even tolerate cats :lol: :lol:
    Picture 644.jpg


    This pretty little girl came to us on Wednesday night. (We were told that she responds to ‘Tia’ so thats the name we’ve been using with her) She was shy for about five or ten minutes but was soon playing and tumbling in the grass with Denzel! :D We cant believe how fast she has settled in and adapted to all the changes! She is super friendly and will say hello to anyone!

    She is very lively and loves to play tug and wrestling.
    Shes very gentle and loves cuddles and kisses. Shes very good in the house and hasnt tried to steal or chew a thing. She sleeps all night and doesnt make a sound! Tia is REALLY good with the cat too which is a massive bonus! :D She just cant understand why the cat doesnt want to play with her! :lol: :roll:

    Tia is very intelligent aswell, I was doing bits of training with her yesterday and she learns very fast. The main thing we are trying to teach her is not to jump when she wants something but to sit instead and she is doing extremely well. She just adores getting those treats and being told shes good! :)

    We took her to the stables with us today and yesterday and she travelled very well in the back of the jeep with Denzel. Shes very well behaved in the car. She met lots of dogs up there (many which are quite grumpy!) and got on perfectly with every single one of them. She loves meeting new dogs and dogs seem to love her too! :D She was quite scared of the horses and barked at them, but considering theyre so big and shes never seen one before she was very good! We took her for a walk up the lane yesterday and around the fields with Denzel today. I dont know if shes ever been in the country before but her little nose didnt leave the ground! We havent let her off her lead yet as we want to work on some recall with her at home first. She is quite strong when just on her collar but doesnt pull at all when in her harness and is very easy to walk. :)
    She is very bouncy and can be a little bossy madam with Denzel! He doesnt care at all but I think an older or timid dog might get tired of her.

    What she really needs is a forever home that she can properly settle into. She has so much love to give to the lucky family that gets her! :)


    Great update! Looking forward to hearing more about Willow! :D


    :D Thank you for that superb up-date – it was well worth waiting for ;) . You have painted a great picture in words about this splendid little dog. Love the photo of Tia with her new buddy. Sounds like she will be having a great time under your care and obviously loved all the country smells she found or should I say tracked :lol:


    Well little Willow is doing fantastic and is improving every day! :D
    Her and Denzel got their Christmas Eve bath and brush after coming home from the yard and she seemed well used to both (which isn’t surprising as she came to us squeaky clean! ;)) She had a great Christmas day and was extremely well behaved with everything that was going on. Lots of people came in to say hello to her, men, women, children, babies and she was delighted to meet everyone and behaved impeccably! The two devoured their Christmas dinner and fell asleep full and happy :lol:

    They got a nice long walk in St. Catherines park on Stephens day as a reward for being so good. I think someone has definitely put work into making her sit for getting her harness on as shes very polite. Willow had a ball sniffing her way through the woods, meeting new dogs and people and even had a splash through the stream (almost taking me with her! :lol: )

    Shes getting more used to the stables too and loves coming over with us. Shes getting better with the horses although I dont think she trusts them and barks if they dare to move! Shes still suspicious of the big horses but shes quite happy to accept the cats, goats and smaller ponies. We’ve been working on recall with her in one of the more secure fields and she doing very well. We can now let her off to play with Denzel which is great for tiring them out ;) . Its not perfect yet, but considering the time we’ve had her I think its quite amazing! Her training is coming on very well too and she loves it. :)

    Willow and Denzel get on brilliantly, she adores her big foster brother! Theres just one thing that they disagree on – Denzels favourite game is chasing a ball, while Willows is chasing Denzels heels! So we brought a special toy today for Willow to have and this helped to occupy her!

    Shes very sweet and has a very cheeky little face. Shes extremely trusting of people too which is lovely :) Will update again soon on this little diva.


    :D I love reading the up-dates about this superb little dog. The most recent image is really funny. Is there a trick of the light going on, or has she developed a brown tail? Maybe she got a fox toy from Santa and she is lying on top of it? Whatever it is – made me laugh when I saw the photo:lol: :lol: I imagine she would be a good midi-agility dog or would love to learn tricks ;). I hope you don’t object Willow but I would like to take the opportunity to wish a very happy new year to all connected to the very great Dogs in Distress, especially all the dogs :D.


    Thanks Indianna, Im positive Willow will be very pleased with your new years wish! :D

    Haha I laughed at the picture too! I couldnt get one were she wasnt wagging her tail furiously, so this one had to do :lol: But thats Willow, always happy!

    Youre right, she would be brilliant at agility. Its hilarious when her and Denzel are playing as shes half the size of him but can leap up into the air and right over his back! The poor dog doesnt know whats hit him :lol:


    Willow, you sound in great form! You are the perfect pup, through and through. ;)


    :o Getting a bit too close to the bottom of the page for my liking. A question for you Willow, do fast-moving little animals (dogs) wind you up? Hope you are leaving your foster brother’s heels alone since your foster person gave you a toy to play with. ;) :oops: I am sorry that I can’t add anything positive to your blog but your foster family do a great job of that and I love reading about you :P


    :? Thinking about Collie crosses :lol: :lol: Whatcha up to Willow?


    Sorry for the major delay in the updates on Willow, my hard-drive had a bit of a melt down so I was without my laptop for a while!

    Willow is doing really really well. :) She’s come out of her shell a lot in the last little while and she’s proving to be absolutely hilarious! She’s so sweet and cheeky everyone she meets falls in love with her. She does have us in stitches sometimes when you tell her to do something – she always does it but gives you such a cheeky face as if to say ‘whatever, I was going to do that anyway!’ and trots off with this little self important swagger :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I think she’s the closest thing to the perfect little friendly dog you’ll find. Willow’s always prepared to say hello to anyone and has been extremely gentle with any children that she’s met out. She’s very cuddly and is happy just to snuggle into you and have a good pet. (That’s why she’s so hard to get a good picture of because when you kneel down to take one she snuggles straight into your lap!)

    Talking about her pictures, they really don’t do her justice! She has such a pretty little face and she’s always getting compliments when she’s out. It’s been bugging me for a while to try to figure out what her breeding might be and I think Ive cracked it with Whippet! She looks just like a miniature Whippet so I think she might be half Whippet and then maybe Collie X Terrier? I think it would explain a lot of her gentle cuddly temperment too. :)

    Her and Denzel are best of friends now and are always stuck together. Willow tends to boss him around the place and he really doesn’t care, he’s smitten! :lol: However we have recently seen some occasions where Denzel has put his foot down (new butcher bones were a good example!) and she’s backed off, so she’s not all that tough! :lol: :roll:

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