Re: Velvet – 8mth collie x -HOMED

Re: Velvet – 8mth collie x -HOMED

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    She looks fantastic Audrey. I’m working on a fund raising idea here in Wicklow so hope to have some small donation towards Velvet’s op in the next week or so. ;)


    Keep well Velvet so you can have your surgery.
    I have given a donation via Paypal.


    Thanks so much Dianne, Timmy, Max, Ben and Zac it is very much appreciated. Hoping to have some news this week on the next stage of the process of which I will post here on her forum.

    Lainey I will give you a shout to see what I can do to help.


    Velvet was back in the vet’s today and she has lost just over a half kilo in weight which in normal circumstances isn’t much but in an underweight dog that is waiting on life saving surgery its a big deal…
    She was given more medication which she is so good at taking ….but I think its the peanut butter, pate, ham, honey and cream cheese makes her such a good patient.
    We are over indulging in the treat stakes which she has no protests to…..however my other fur kids are likely to gain weight but we all need an extra layer come the winter….well personally thats what I tell myself.
    Thanks to those who have donated generously and if you have donated please post so we know to keep an eye out for it and more importantly to thank you for your kindness at this very worrying time.
    Please keep Velvet in your thoughts and prayers this week and as Susan Colgan’s mum says I am storming heaven at this stage for things to get moving for my little lady.


    Today Velvet had two very special D.i.D. visitors well three actually not forgetting Susan. She did brilliantly with both Thor and Willow and was so much more less wary which shows how she is becoming more and more comfortable with new dogs, people and situations. Herself and Willow were playing together after 10mins I was such a proud foster mum its like winning the lotto to see your foster baby arrive with their own little lot of baggage and then to see them unpack it and leave it at the door they came in – I only wish we could bottle it !


    I met this little beaut today and she’s gorgeous!!! Much smaller than what she looks in the pictures, was only up to knee. Velvet was slightly wary at first, but after a few rubs she warmed up to me :) Got loads of licks and cuddles then, after a bit she even jumped up to get a rub! Fantastic little doggie, so loving. You’d never think she was unwell at all!!!! Here’s hoping everything gets sorted for this little madam so she can go to her forever home pronto!!! She deserves it :)🙂

    DID Rescue

    Met this great little girl today and she is so sweet and small and has no idea how ill she is………we are talking weeks now :o
    No matter what happens we will do what is necessary to help this girl have a life and hopefully a future.
    Thanks Audrey for bringing her over today it was good to see the little girl and meet the shy pretend personality… lovable and pretty girl.
    Money collected for her so far is €150 many thanks


    I also had the pleasure of meeting this little girl on Friday and she is just beautiful. Audrey is playing a blinder caring for her and Rossi and Tess are doing their bit too. :D :D We are all thinking of her and praying for her here. :D :D


    Stay strong Velvet! You are a beauty and are truly blessed to be so well looked after there. (Donation made direct to bank a/c)


    Wow what an adorable pup, love the story about her helping with the gardening! Hope all goes well for her in the future, I’ve made a donation for her.


    Velvet thanks both of you lovely generous gentlemen…..we hope to have word by the end of the week – so my fingers are numb they are crossed so long now and the dogs are walking in circles with their paws crossed. Keep you all posted as things develop.


    Velvet was back at the vets today for a monitor check up and a little bit of good news is that she has put back on a quarter of a kilo. NO improvement with the heart but staying positive that’s no disimprovement either. She has become very fearful of the vets since her heart scan and is very stressed when there which is very worrying with what is in store for her so we were in an out as quickly as possible.

    Huge thanks to Lorraine (lainey on the boards) who had her friends around for an ABBA Tribute Night in aid of Velvet – we are so grateful.
    They watched Mamma Mia, then danced till the early hours – going by the photos of the night (which I was warned are banned from posting) there may have been a couple of drinkies involved…..because the crooked wigs were a bit of a give away.

    To date the pledges for Velvets operation is €350.


    What a little beauty, fingers crossed for her! Have they made any decision when or where the operation is going to be done? I had a little dog in the shop today the absolute image of Velvet same size, markings, ears everything! Myself and Jimmy are having a think of what we can do to raise some funds for her!


    I met the gorgeous Velvet this morning and she really is a heart-melter. :D :D Such a gentle little lady, she is very obviously devoted to Audrey and enjoying Rossi & Tess’s company. I really hope that she has the best possible outcome to her impending surgery and that we see her flying around the place over the next few months with all her collie energy. ;) ;)

    The heavens are now being stormed from Wicklow too!

    Stay well little girl.

    Velvet popped down to give Lainey a BIG THANK YOU!

    2011-10 Dogs In Distress 001.JPG


    Velvet met another D.i.D Volunteer Superstar today in Esma….this wonderful lady had some toys & treats to donate. Also she has given her previous little lady Kyle’s dog coats which will be put to good use as the winter is definately upon us…..Thinking all that was great then Esma told us that she has told family and friends of Velvets story and asked that they don’t but her any christmas presents and she then made a great donation towards the pending operation costs….thanks just doesn’t cover people’s generous giving.
    So with every ounce of my being I am praying Velvet will have the operation and get to see this Christmas as a spoiled little star.

    Velet just jumped up to check that I am thanking everyone on her behalf.

    Pledges are currently at €500.
    2011-10 Dogs In Distress 028.JPG

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