Re: Velvet – 8mth collie x -HOMED

Re: Velvet – 8mth collie x -HOMED

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    Folks Velvet needs all your good wishes and prayers as she’s been quiet unwell for the last 24hrs and UCD would normally admit a dog in her poorly condition but as Velvet is so stressed out there it’s been decided to monitor her at home! Will keep you all posted.


    Hoping for nothing but the very best for you Velvet. Good idea to let you stay at home where you can relax and recover. Don’t stress Velvet, let the rest of us do that.


    Come on little Velvet – you musnt get too stressed. Focus on your recovery. Audrey I really hope you and Velvet can get some sleep and that she is more stable in the morning. You are both so brave


    Keeping fingers and paws crossed. Get well Velvet x

    DID Rescue

    What’s the update on Velvet?
    How is she progressing.?
    Lots of interested parties keeping fingers crossed.


    Morning Everyone,

    Well after a scary few days of Velvet being very poorly with vomitting diarreha and very shallow breathing, she started to turn the corner yesterday and had a noticeable improvement day.

    She looked to come out of her ward ( bedroom) and be down with the rest of the pack even if it was just onto the couch….but as the day went on she definately perked up.

    Last night she didn’t want to come back to her ward unless the rest of the gang were coming too and which told me that she wanted to be back in the gang….so she slept soundly with the rest of the pack in her normal bed

    This morning she is like a different dog… up straight away …ate all her breakfast and even came out to the yard to be with the others….so much so that she took to a new perch to watch anything that maybe of interest to her….

    Just shows that no matter what we can do for our dogs physically mentally and emotionally we only scratch the surface in comparision to what other dogs can do for them in the healing process.
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    Fantastic news, well done Velvet….you are are lucky to have such caring siblings and Mother. :D :D :D


    My word Velvet that is a perch and a half :P . How did you get up there with your stitches in? Very naughty, you know you are supposed to rest, no JUMPING or CLIMBING :o Very pleased to hear you are feeling much better, get well now :D


    So pleased she is on the mend. We are now camped at Camac Valley caravan site until next Monday and would love to see you and meet Velvet if she is up to it. I imagine you are pretty exhausted too.
    Love and licks from Hilary, Ron, Furby and Harley x


    Velvet had her stitches out and bless her a few were imbedded but she was in great hands with Adrienne who makes her feel so comfortable and as much at ease as Velvet can be in the vets surgery…there was a bit of an infection so she is on antibiotics at the moment but it hasn’t held her back she is breaking the speed limit now on the road to recovery….

    We spent every evening on the beach which did wonders for her wounds and she was the picture of health bounding up and down in the sea creating her very own waves …..

    She loves trying to out race her sister Tess but it always makes for a very wet finish line for me….

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    She is a true miracle in every sense of the word!

    Having a splashing time with all her friends

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    Well done Velvet! You are so strong, just look at you there having fun on the beach, a real fighter!!


    Ah Velvet looks great, so happy and having fun. Well done Velvet and Audrey x


    She is stunning dog and a credit to her mum and sister & brother 8-)

    We would just like to say a massive thank you to all our supporters….without your help we could not continue to pay for Velvets scans & operation…thank you :D


    Fantastic photos Audrey….so pleased that all is well. Velvet is blessed to have you as her mum x

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