Re: Tigger – Boxer cross – HOMED

Re: Tigger – Boxer cross – HOMED

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    Tigger is the bravest, full of fun and curiosity, yet incredibly gentle and huggy. Loves adventuring in the garden, sniffing the snow and grass. Very fond of chasing a ball around the kitchen too, but just about anything can capture his interest. He has the most gorgeous face and the cutest markings. He has a soft coat makes him utterly huggable. He’s just irresistible!!


    babara, he is lovely beautiful colours. sound like a sweet heart :D


    Tigger is back with me as child in his new home couldn’t overcome his fear of dogs. He’s adjusting to another change, is a happy little boy who finds life a total ball. He seems to have forgotten my dog and is determined to make her notice him by barking and making runs at her. He’s thriving, full of fun and curiosity and is a delight to have around the house. He’s soooo gorgeous with his patch eye and white legs :D


    Aw poor Tigger, shame his new home didnt work out. He is such a little cutie. :D
    Do you think he will be a very big dog when fully grown?

    We would love to meet him after our home visit if he’s still available (and we pass the visit of course!)


    Tigger’s a boxer cross so will be at least medium size when grown. He’s stretched over the last week, and has a leggy look now. He’s much more adventurous without his brother and potters around happily. I hope he gets his new family soon as we’re absolutely spoiling him!


    Aww sorry to hear it didnt work out in his new home! we have his sister, Lady, though we renamed her Molly. This is her second day with us! She’s doing great. Tigger is a dote. Would love to take him too!They would be good company for each other!


    I am interested in adopting Tigger. Amazing little guy and what a bad start he and his siblings had. We were approved for adoption last week by Suzi. Would love to meet him whenever suits. Thanks :D


    We cannot wait to meet this guy this evening! :D :D :D


    Hope everything goes well Rose, They’re beautiful pups. We adopted his sister Cookie yesterday.



    Hope he fits right in. I’m sure he will. Then he can come and meet mine. I’m sure Charlie would love a pup to play with. Sure he’s still a big pup himself! Hope to meet him soon. :)


    Thanks Ruaidhri! I think he’ll fit in great Lizzy although i think it’ll be a while before he’s able to keep up with your four poochs in the park. Not too long though. Barbara said he’s really stretched out in the last week. Ohhh roll on 6 o’clock :D :D :D


    Unfortunately Tigger is not suitable for our home. I really hope he finds his forever home soon. He’s truly a beautiful pup.


    Hi, we’ve just had our home visit this evening so hopefully we get some good news, we’d love to meet the little fella and give him a lovely home!


    Awh he is so cute,
    Pity he had to get brought back in :(
    I’m sure he will go to a lovely home anyway :)


    Well his first day in his new home, had a great sniff around the house and the garden and seems to have settled straight in.

    He’s great with Raine and he just wants to play with the cats Fred & Spike but they may need some more convincing!!

    He really is a dote and I had a lovely snooze with hugs with him on the couch.

    Will post some pics and keep you updated how he’s getting on!

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