Re: Tammy & Clara -Terrier x -11mts old *HOMED*

Re: Tammy & Clara -Terrier x -11mts old *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Tammy & Clara -Terrier x -11mts old *HOMED*

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    From their foster family :D

    Tammy and Clara are patiently waiting for their forever home.

    These two are so lovable and loving, so loyal, ever so clever and so much fun. They are well trained and really wonderful with people.

    We cannot understand why they are not being snapped up. When we walk with them, everyone comments on them, how cute they are and people really take to them.

    They would love to find their forever home soon.

    They are very attached to us and it would be so wonderful for them to pass on that attachment and bonding to their new family.

    Tammy is very cute and still a bit of a puppy, exploring and always learning something new.

    She had a day where the most fun was going round in circles chasing her tail.

    Clara is quite gentle and always looking for hugs and kindness.

    Tammy is confident and playful.

    They are very gentle and easy to be with.




    Looking good ladies ;)


    Love Love these pair…wish I could rehome 2 dogs but just not in the position to!Love seeing the updates on them.


    These two little beauties are staying with me at the moment, they really are adorable, full of fun, Clara is the one that jumps onto your lap and says please mind me with her eyes, Tammy is a little more confident as if she knows her cheeky little face would make anyone love her. They are so good together and just snuggle up beside each other for long snoozes :) :)


    Niamh Dropped these two little ones to me on Sun morning.. Thanks Niamh. They are smaller then I thought and they are so so nice, All they want is to be loved. Clara & my own dog Polly are growling a bit at each other but I think Clara is afraid she will rob her food or her toy in her bed.they seem to have been sleeping on one bed but now they have two and they get into their own bed, its nice to have their own space. They both love love love kids and want to go over to every one they see. Clara went in next door on her first day here and stayed in there for two hours getting hugs with out a bother and Tammy was fine here with Polly. they have no problem being put outside for a while with door closed , they just go off and have a play. they dont seem to know how to sit but if you say No they lie down .. So cute.
    clara tammy 001.jpg
    clara tammy 002.jpg
    clara tammy 009.jpg


    another few pics
    clara tammy 003.jpg
    clara tammy 006.jpg
    clara tammy 009.jpg


    Clara & Tammy are with us a week now and believe me it takes no time for this two to settle in. Tammy has had 3 or 4 accidents in the house but it is only when the door is closed…. its like she doesn’t know how to tell you she wants to go out, there are never any accidents at night. Clara and Polly are not growling as much at each other but Clara is very protective of Tammy. They are a joy to be in the house and they are great on walks , We had a 45 min walk this morning and even walked by a horse. Tammy got a bit tired towards the end and sat down on the footpath but she made it the whole way home :)

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