RE: Rosie.. (Roxy’s pup)

RE: Rosie.. (Roxy’s pup)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings RE: Rosie.. (Roxy’s pup)

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    Rosie is with us 3 weeks this Friday, she is in great form and loving all of us. She has a brother now called Alex and he looks after her very well. She is mad about him and follows him everywhere, as well as annoys him and tries to be like him. When we walk the two of them she does everything in her power to keep up with him and yet he is about 6 times her size and 5 months older. She is eating very well, she is still having accidents in the house but nothing we cant cope with….she is chewing everything in sight but again its nothing we cant handle. The two pups are great together, they are great company for each other. I am trying to upload a few pictures but having a few problems so hopefully some pics soon.


    Hi. just and update on Rosie, she has grown up so much over the past few months and is now going to the toilet outside, she is also sitting and giving the paw and loves to run around mad after Alex (my other dog from DID). She is still adorable and loves to cuddle and get loads of attention. She and Alex are the best of friends and I cant bring them out without each other, she travels well in the car and loves to have the wind blow in her face. She can be hard to walk as she loves to walk on grass and will pull very hard on the lead to get to grass. We love the two of them and are so glad to have them. I will try to download pictures, however due to Rosies face been so dark its hard to see how pretty she is.


    Hi Sonyaandjimmy. Great to hear little Rosie is doing so well. As far as the lead is concerned she is just like her mother, Roxy is a nightmare on the lead, pulls like mad to get to the grass and then wants off it so she can take off and play with all the other doggies. Dying to see a photo and see if she is still all fluffy and how big she is. Thanks for the update. Maura.

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