Re: Rose – 16wk old Border Terrier x *HOMED*

Re: Rose – 16wk old Border Terrier x *HOMED*

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    Rose was having some me time on the trampoline today with her favourite toy….
    Click on link below :) … m=text_url


    Here are some photo’s of Rose who we have renamed Maggie… you can see she is cuter than ever and a very happy little dog. She follows me everywhere around the house and waits on my bed for me when I go out without her. She really loves her cuddles and playtime. She is so good on walks too and loves to chase her ball…though we are still working on her bringing it back as she gets distracted by all the interesting smells around. I’d say she’d make a great tracker dog.

    I am so proud of our Maggie. I took her to visit my cousin and her nine month old baby Ella last week. Ella loved Maggie and Maggie was so good with her, licking her toes and making her laugh. She is an absolute joy to take anywhere and everyone who meets her loves her. We couldn’t have chosen a better companion to add to our family than Maggie.


    Wow, its great to see some pics of Maggie and hear how she is getting on.. She has sure fallen on her feet, she is a little darling and we do miss her but its great to see her thriving with her new family..,
    thanks for the update Deirdre :)


    From Rose’s (Now called Maggie) forever family:

    Hi Claire,

    Here are a few more pics of Maggie. She is well over her spaying now and back to her usual exuberant self. People are always saying what a happy little dog she is when I take her on her walks. She is really smart and so easy to train. She is sitting and waiting before crossing the road until I tell her she can go, obviously she is always on her leash, and she has almost got walking to heel down too. When I let her run in the park, she comes when she’s called and is great at fetching her ball and bringing it back. She is learning to stay at the moment too. As you can tell she has learnt a lot in the past weeks since we got her.

    She has filled out quite a bit and is getting her winter coat now. She is starting to look very grown up but is still very much a puppy. She still loves to to sit on our laps and loves her kisses and cuddles (I believe she thinks she is smaller than she really is because she barely fits now). We all just love her to bits and would be lost without her :-)

    Best regards,

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