Re: Rose – 16wk old Border Terrier x *HOMED*

Re: Rose – 16wk old Border Terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Rose – 16wk old Border Terrier x *HOMED*

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    My little Rose is almost 16 weeks old now. She has been as good as gold since her sister Lily was adopted. A bit on the quiet side for a day or two but then back to her old self again. She is a very contented puppy and not at all demanding. Quite happy to potter around and play with her toys. She loves running in and out of the shrubs in the garden and will run and hide when you call her to come in. She loves her food and her treats – especially chicken.
    Sle is a great little sleeper too. Goes to bed at about 11ish and not a peep till I come down in the morning to let her out to do her business. The toilet training is going really well. Very rarely will she have an accident in the house. She actually barks to let you know that she needs to go out.
    She is still quite small. Can’t see her being very big when she is fully grown. Medium size at the most. She will make a great addition to any family – with or without another dog. She is also great with my two cats and has taken to sharing a bed with my youngest cat.


    :D What a very smart little dog you are and I bet you are great fun. How do you spend your days little one?


    Little Rose continues to thrive. She hasn’t really grown much in the last few weeks. Is still quite small. She has been spending her days basking in the sun and tearing round the garden with Simba. They both retire to the shade of the parasol for a little snooze and then start all over again. She is so tired every evening that she gets into bed herself at about 10.30. I have to lift her out to go outside and do her business before I go to bed. She is not impressed with this at all.
    She has learned to sit before she gets her food and for treats and we are working on teaching her to give the paw.
    She will be a wonderful addition to any family.


    Well little Rose has been with us for a few days now as her foster mammy has gone on holidays.. She is a lovely little lady and has taken to us all so easily especially the kids, she loves them.. Like any young dog she has her bursts of energy, then has a nice little snooze with the rest of my 3 dogs.. She is a bit nervous but Im sure she will grow out of that.. She is a clever little one and is at the age where she will eagerly learn.. She wants to dive in on her food when you put it in her food bowl but will sit and wait for it when you tell her.. Little Rose will make a great addition to any family as she is so full of love and affection and she deserves to have a family to share it with :)
    I have put up a few pics of her chillaxing with conor and my other dogs on the couch after playing out the back on the trampoline.. I will get some more pics up of her over the next week after I find my camera charger..
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    A few more pics of Rose relaxing after a play session :)
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    Well THE lovely Rose is getting along great, she is a really affectionate dog, she just loves her cuddles :) Im just popping up a video of her playing with my Trixybelle on the trampoline earlier on today..


    What a great video. I thought she looked quite long in one of the earlier images and wondered about a dash of Daxi but I see the Border Terrier in her and no Daxi. She is great, what a little monkey racing around on that trampoline having a ball with the Yorkie. Superb :D


    Ah she is a little darling Indianna :) She loves to play around with Trixy and then sometimes she just takes a toy and goes off into the garden and plays around with it herself.. Her house training is coming along great, she only has the very odd accident now and she loves getting the praise when she goes to the toilet out the back.. My little Trixy also comes running and jumps up on my lap when I come home from being outand the other day to my surprise no sooner had Trixy jumped up but Rose decided to follow :).. She is fine on the lead but still a little nervous, God love her..
    We will sure miss her around here when she leaves as she is loved by us all but on the other hand I am looking forward to her finding her forever home..
    Heres a pic of Rose flaking out after coming in from playing.. My Ted is snoozing alongside her but he just spends most of his life lazing around when he is not grumping at other dogs lol


    Hello All, new to board so apologies, still finding my way around it. Linda, I sent you a PM (I think!), but couldn’t quite make out whether the lovely Rose was available for adoption? could you PM me, maybe if you get a chance, as not sure what procedure is for contacting… that’s if she’s still available, and I hope she is :) although if she isn’t then she’s got a lovely new home I’m sure!


    Hi….Rose is still available for adoption…could you forms and downloads (top right hand corner), fill in an adoption application form and Claire will be in touch…thanks ;)


    Phew, that’s done, thank you :)

    (is there a way of knowing whether it has submitted successfully… it took a few attempts to submit!)


    We have received it and Claire will be in touch asap ;)


    Thank you, Kay :)


    Just a little update on the beautiful Rose, she is still a little nervous with her walks but at home it is great watching her character develop. She will wait until you tell her to eat her food and a lot of the time she will sit at a doorway and wait for permission to come in and then other times she just comes flying in.. She gets on with the other dogs but she thrives on human company, she is going to make a great companion :)


    Some more pics :)

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