Re: Nick – 2yr Collie x GSD*HOMED*

Re: Nick – 2yr Collie x GSD*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Nick – 2yr Collie x GSD*HOMED*

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    He is a lovely dog, he has grown alot in confidence but stil gets timid when he encounters something new or different but he just wants affection and will give back so much in return.


    Nick continues to come on leaps and bounds. He is fantastic with other dogs and is waiting for that special family who will have the time and love to give him in his much deserved forever home :)
    Picture 570.jpg


    This fab guy is doing great…fantastic with other dogs and so affectionate :D
    Picture 596.jpg


    Nick-o is another of the energetic bunch down here! He is having an absolute ball with the other dogs & is so friendly to everyone & every other dog he meets. When he arrived he was a little bit shy but has come out of his shell completely. He has met chickens, pigs, horses & sheep and hasn’t batted an eyelid!! in fact, trying to get his eyelids to even open at the end of a long day is almost impossible! He sleeps like a log and is so good in the house.

    Nick really needs another dog of a similar age to play with and plenty of space or exercise so he can burn off some energy. He will make an amazing pet for someone :D


    Dear Nick

    I have been watching your page for such a long time and think you are one of the most handsome chaps aroound – and you look like you have great personality too! I love GSDs and Collies so you are def one of my DID favourites. My wish for the holidays is that someone takes another look at you and offers you the perfect forever home. Until that time comes I hope you enjoy your time in foster.

    one of your fans,



    cant believe no-one has snapped this guy up yet…he is so cute…and his personality says he gets on so well with humans and other animals :) hopefully the new year will be onwards bound for you :)


    Canine competition season is about to dust itself off and guess what dog breed wins most often out of obedience, agility, heel work to music (that on is great fun), fly-ball and on a professional level mountain rescue (well, most kinds of rescue) :? ? COLLIES and COLLIE CROSSES :D . Nick is a diamond just waiting to be discovered and he probably has a dash of the unbeatable German Shepherd too. Who knows how far he could go in the right hands? Sadly, for me, I have a carer coming into the house daily to help my father and she is terrified of big dogs :cry: . I have read through Nick’s blog and its all good, great actually. He can do no more, He is everything he needs to be, just needs someone looking for a dog to have a lot of fun with. Gorgeous dog 8-)


    Couldn’t agree more, Indianna. :D

    I have been following Nick’s blog from the start and would love to have him (if it was possible to add to my gang which, unfortunately, it is NOT!!!) I ADORE collies and my second love is German Shepherds so he is really tugging at me. :( :(

    Would LOVE him to find his forever home very soon. Everything crossed for you, Nick! :D :D :D


    Great news! Nick headed off to his new home today with his new best friend Gizmo (also a did doggie) a huge thanks to Helen and Dave ( who fostered this chap and took such amazing care of him. Looking forward to loads of updates on Nick and Gizmo in their new home :D


    Fantastic news for Nick and Gizmo :D :D :D They’ll have great fun together. Happy Days :lol: :lol:


    So happy to see Nick in the ‘Happy Endings’ section!!! :D


    :o W H A T!!! Please, someone pick me up off the floor :lol: :lol: I am so happy to read that the great Nick has FINALLY been found by his family. A fantastic end to an average day :P :P :P


    Nick’s first day with us has been great! He has started to come out of his shell and settling in very well. He is very gentle and affectionate!

    We are so happy to have him and also Gizmo as his little companion. We’d like to say a big thank you to all at DiD, Claire, Dave & Helen!


    Some pictures of Nick & Gizmo’s first day with us :)


    Thrilled, thrilled, THRILLED for you, Nick. :D :D :D :D And delighted for Gizmo too, of course. Wishing you both a long and happy life and a "happy ever after" :D :D :D :D :D :D

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