Re: Coby – Terrier x – ref 514 – 8yrs *HOMED*

Re: Coby – Terrier x – ref 514 – 8yrs *HOMED*

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    My gorgeous, smoochy boy


    What a beautiful coat Coby has – great highlights! Did you notice he is currently one of the stars of the revolving banner on the homepage of [url:1wc489bk][/url:1wc489bk] ?


    Coby sounds and looks lovely. I sincerely people realise the advantages of an older doggy and he finds his forever home!

    We adopted an 8 year old and there is a huge amount to be said for it – She does not chew anything, is trained and we know exactly what she is like (ie her little personality is in place), plus she has a lovely confidence.

    Good luck Coby – I hope you get snapped up as you look like an absolute gem.

    dee x


    Cody is a real little character, clever too. He’s learned all our patterns, so once lunchtime comes and the fridge opens …. he’s off his chair in the living room, doing his cute meerkat beg to be rewarded by some ham or cheese. He skittishly follows me around in the mornings, anticipating his morning outing with infectious enthusiasm. He’s become very playful since he arrived, always ready for a game. His favourite toy is a bright red santa with a squeak and his big eyes positively sparkle with delight when he hunkers down with it, hoping it’ll be thrown – endlessly – or, even better, wrestled from his mouth. The game is even better when played with doggy-growling sound effects – by both parties!


    :shock: Go on Santa, move. Just you dare :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    He’s soo adorable! Exact copy of Betsy, but with long hair!


    I am thrilled Coby found his forever home x


    I went to visit Coby (now called Toby) in his new home yesterday and he is a hilarious little man :lol: . It has taken him a few days to settle in but he is now happy out and ruling the roost!!!

    He spends his days playing games with his growing collection of squeaky toys (still loves his red, Christmas one which Barbara bought for him the best ;) ) and out for lovely walks in the countryside. He has a new sister – Dulcey – who only has three legs and is practically blind. Dulcey has welcomed Toby with open paws and his arrival has given her a new lease of life :D . He is not bothered with her one way or the other (!!!) but he did appear to enjoy playing tug of war with her and a selection of teddy bears, ducks, Christmas reindeer and green spotty toy bones.

    Audrey and Geoff are delighted with him……..and he with them :-).


    Yes Lorraine, Toby (but always Cody to me) has indeed been very fortunate to have found his new home with Audrey and Geoff. While I was very sad (actually, in floods of tears) leaving him, I knew what a marvellous life he was going to have with them, and how their slower pace of life would suit him better. We were so seriously tempted to hold on to him, he is the most terrific dog who just made us smile all the time, but we forced our heads to rule our hearts and hey presto – Cody became Toby. It really is doggy paradise in their lovely Wicklow home and it sounds like Toby is already making his way into all their hearts. He’s incredibly lucky – from pound to paradise in three short months!

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