Re: Baxter – labrador x – HOMED

Re: Baxter – labrador x – HOMED

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    Just wanted to reassure everyone that Baxy boy boy, as my granddaughter has named him is thriving and continues to bring us infinite joy along with little Hallie. They are chalk and cheese these two but so great together.
    Bax is the clumsiest, nosiest dog I have ever come across.
    He is really funny. He is so affectionate and so gorgeous to cuddle.
    He has a small hard orange ball I bought for Hallie and he has comandeered it and he throws it about for hours. He puts it in the bin, on the table, in your lap, in the dishwasher, on the chair, under the chair, in your pocket, you name it and it’s been there and he keeps bringing it back to be thrown for him ALL THE TIME!!!!!!
    We are all exhausted by the end of the evening if one of these moods strikes him.
    I am still trying to stop him jumping up at people and us and even though he’s not as bad, he still does it and he is such a lump it’s painful. This is only in greeting and then he settles.
    I read in a book about dog language that turning your back helps. Well sometimes it does and sometimes it doesnt. Also yawning is supposed to be a calming signal.
    If anyone has any bright ideas I’d be happy to hear them.
    He is such a beautiful boy though and is a picture of health and happiness and so good and clean. He has NEVER had an accident in the house and I think that’s pretty good going.
    I do have some pics and will try to get them up soon.


    This sounds just like Trinity and her little obsession with chasing after thrown toys :lol: she puts them on your lap and sits and if you don`t react here comes the nose nudge and even if that doesn`t work she lets out this funny bark/whine/howl noise and hits you with her paw – labs are so funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
    P.S. Love reading your updates, they always crack me up laughing :D


    Hi Aggie,
    Yes maybe it is a lab trait with the fetching thing obsession and the nudges and whine/yips if you ignore them.

    Bax’s latest skill is opening doors. He is really good at this now. Unfortunately the handles, loosened by my Paddy (is it possible his ghost is roaming around our house and teaching Bax all his old tricks?)come off in your hand when you go to open a door! :o All the screws are useless now so I think we may have to buy some new hardware.
    He hasn’t quite got the hang of the walking backwards having pushed the handle down yet but I’m sure he will given time………………….!
    My son once went to the front door to find two women standing with their mouths agape saying, ‘Your dog just opened the door to us!’
    They couldn’t believe it. Paddy was such a character.

    Bax also loves the dishwasher, especially when there’s gravy on the plates being loaded! I’d be interested to know what kind of a contraption he thinks it is. :lol:
    I have finished work now so I will have a bit more time and so hopefully get those pics up.


    I haven’t felt much like posting anything up here lately after my little Hallie passed away but as we all know, life goes on and Baxter is the true champion of our hearts.
    He has been, how to describe it, ‘not himself’ since Hallie died. He is very jumpy and goes from really playful to morose as if he’s saying ‘it’s not so much fun around here without my pal’.
    He seems to be on the alert all the time as if he is looking out for her.
    My son wonders whether he thinks he is going to have to go too as he saw Hallie come and go and is feeling a bit insecure.
    He is also sticking close by and likes to position himself between all parties, i.e. on the chair in the hall where he can monitor everyone’s activities. He is looking for extra affection too. That’s no hardship on our part though and can have all he wants and a bit extra too.
    We have started taking him swimming and he loves it so much. I remember in earlier posts before he came to us how he was fascinated by water.

    The first time we took him to this lake he swam and swam and was in bits for days after and couldn’t even lift or wag his tail! Poor boy. He must have been so stiff.
    He is great now and looks like a shiny seal pup! He is such a powerful swimmer. It is amazing to see, he is totally at home in the water and even dives looking for things with his rear in the air!

    I took some photos of him in the water and with his friend Lottie. Lottie is scared to go out very far and would nip at him and yelp and steal his sticks.

    Hallie used to look at them from the safety of the bank as if they had gone completely mad. She was far too much of a lady to get all wet and bedraggled thank you very much! :lol:
    I tried to download a video but nothing happened. It’s a pity as it’s a wonderful sight.
    Kathy, thank you so much for all your support. You have been wonderful.
    Bax fetching stick031.jpg
    Bax fetching tree trunk 029.jpg
    Bax swimming with Lottie026.jpg


    Some more watery pics of Bax and Lottie.

    Bax and Lottie025.jpg
    Champion swimmer028.jpg
    Bringing home the wood 024.jpg


    Ahhh..he looks great and so happy…well done for going the extra mile for this special boy :D


    Baxter, his sister Wendy and his cousin Charlie…all adopted from DID :D

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