Re: Baxter – labrador x – HOMED

Re: Baxter – labrador x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Baxter – labrador x – HOMED

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    Baxter is a very happy looking fella, he sounds like a very easy dog to have around a house,it is not always easy to show off just how nice black dogs are in photos .He doesn’t seem to have let the stardom of being dog of the month go to his head :)


    How is this gorgeous guy ,I can not believe he is waiting so long for his special family.


    hey buzzsmom
    bax is still waiting for his forever home which beggers belief! :shock: he is the most amazing dog in this world, he has a fab personality and makes sure every day is filled with a little bax magic :D at this moment in time he is lying with his head on the laptop which is making it a little hard to type but its worth it for the cuddle!!! bax has stolen our hearts and i can assure anyone that meets him he’ll steel theirs too, you’d want to be made of stone not to fall in love with this beautiful boy ;)


    hey everyone
    so it turns out that if you make a christmas wish and believe in it enough it really will come true :D today bax left our house with his forever mammy and daddy to start his new life, saying goodbye was the hardest part but it is worth it for the fact the bax is finally going to have the love and stability he deserves so much. we just want to wish nick margaret and bax all the best for the years ahead and please give him a big kiss and cuddle from his foster mom and dad, god knows we’ll miss him around the house and so will lucy and jack. having met margaret and nick we know bax has gone to the most amazing home where there will be no shortage of kisses and cuddles they fell in love with him just as he did with them within a few mins of meeting, what more could we ask for?! ;) they’ve promised to keep in touch so i’ll update as soon as i hear anything

    best of luck bax we love and miss you xxxxxx


    Im delighted this great guy has found his forever home. He deserves it :D


    What fabulous news! And on Thanksgiving Day! I think thats a good omen. Best of luck to Baxter and his new family. He really is very loving and full of fun. Emma – you did so much for Baxter – Im sure you are missing him but we can all look forward to hearing about his new life.


    i recieved a lovely txt from baxs new mam and dad when they arrived home to tell me he had already been in their frog pond and found an old football within a few mins of getting home…typical bax into everything!!! :lol: it truly is bitter sweet for us, its fab knowing he finally has a family to call his own but i must admit our house is very quiet without him up to some form of devilment!!! :lol:

    so many of us have had our lives touched by bax including us, liv, kathy etc and i suppose this is the part when every rung of the chain in D.I.D sees that all the hard work is worthwhile and good god it truly is worth it! :D


    This news has made my week!!! :)

    We had baxter in foster with us this time last year. He has been in so many homes in that short time and I am just over the moon that he FINALLY has found his forever home and just in time for Christmas too! :) He is an absolute dote and you couldn’t but not fall in love with him!

    Best of luck Baxter! We all love you! xxxxxxxxxx


    Ah I am am so happy for Baxter, its great he has finally found his forever home!! We fostered him for awhile in sep he just has soo much personality, never a dull moment!!! always had us laughing at his curiosity :D Delighted to hear he will be in a home where he has water he really does love it… even on are walks he’d have to run through every puddle!

    Wish him and his forever family the best of luck!


    Great news for this lovely guy


    I spoke to Baxters mammy this morning and he had a great first night. He slept in their bed and is now investigating the pond :D


    I am SO happy that this beautiful dog has found his forever home :D I have followed his thread all the way and no-one deserves a "happy ending" more than Baxter. The news has made my day! :D :D


    Hi Everybody,
    Just wanted to say ‘Hello’ and how happy we are to have Baxter in our family. As soon as we met him we fell in love and he seemed to feel the same. He is one very special boy and I know we are going to have enormous fun together. He has such a great sense of humour and a very large twinkle in his eye! And he is just so handsome!
    He was really good travelling back in the van for over two and a half hours and gave us many kisses along the way. He sat in the back between us looking out the front window through the gap.
    He is such a well-balanced and well-behaved dog and completely clean in the house. He already tell us if he needs to go out.
    He spent a a good deal of last night investigating the garden and has about a quarter acre out the back to roam free and look at cows and sheep through the gate at the bottom. He was straight into the frog pond (heaven help the poor frogs in the spring!) and found an very old and battered football which he proceeded to dribble all over the garden. A very funny sight. :lol:
    He barked at the cats but Mrs White (alias Britney Spikes) stood her gound and my son said she rubbed up against him this morning. Norman (Bites) may take a little longer to come round but he is getting over the shock a bit now. :o
    We gave him the choice of his own bedding or our bed last night and it doesn’t take much guessing as to which one he chose! :roll:
    He was really still and quiet though.
    He is a really good house dog too and barks when he should.
    We could see how happy he was with Emma and Dermot and their two, Lucy and Jack and I think he is wondering where his pals have gone but hopefully he will get used to being an only dog and getting all the attention. They have given him a terrific respite home and so much love and it shows in every way. Poor Emma was in bits when Bax said goobye and Dermot not far behind but I’m sure they know that we will love and care for him as he deserves and give him proper permanent family life.
    A big ‘thank you’ to all Bax’s foster families along the way who also gave their hearts as well as their homes to him. It just shows how special he is.
    Many thanks also to Kathy who got in touch so quickly after my first email and has been so intuitive and on the ball with arrangements to see him. She is an inspiration to all animal lovers.We are very impressed with the efficiency and boundless care this organisation provides for those in need.
    It beggars belief that people can be so cruel and when I touch Bax’s poor mangled ear and look at his beautiful but somewhat forshortened tail I know that he will never have to suffer such indignities ever again.
    On the way home last night I said to Nick ‘ I can’t understand why nobody has taken him before now.’
    He replied, ‘It’s because he was waiting for us.’
    That says it all. It must be fate.
    Baxta home at last 25th Nov 10 010.jpg
    Baxta home at last 25th Nov 10 010.jpg
    Baxta home at last 25th Nov 10 008.jpg


    Awhh i’me so pleased to read Baxter has found his final forever home! The poor man has been from pillar to post during his short life eh. :(
    I met him at the DID day and he is stunning with a beautiful shiny coat.

    It sounds like you may end up like me tho, sharing the bed with a certain 4 legged hot water bottle :roll: If I had the choice again i’d have done it differently and you may feel differently 6mts down the road when your getting 4 legs in the back, and disapproving grunts when you try to recover the blankets after you roll over!! lol :lol:
    Regardless enjoy your new addition and I look forward to his updates!


    Don’t worry Jojo I will be monitoring the situation! Last night he was curled up more or less at the end of the bed.
    We took Bax for a long walk today and as it was so quiet we let him off the lead but were at the ready in case he took off.
    He was such a good boy though and trotted along just in front of us and loved chasing sticks and bringing them back to us. It was great to let him be free in such a lovely woodland environment. He just stuck to the track but had a whale of a time sniffing all those wonderful country scents. I had lost my desire to go for walks when my beautiful lab x Paddy died this summer. It was brilliant to be out again today and I know we will have lots of adventures together. Walking just seemed pointless without my buddy.
    Bax continues to make progress with my cat Mrs White and they were touching noses today with no barking and she was rubbing up against him. She has just stood firm and it’s a very good tactic. She knows who’s boss! Norman is still worried and keeping a low profile but he will come round eventually.
    Bax has been cuddling with me in front of the TV again tonight and has been pretty wiped out by his walk. He is just about ready for bed now.
    Here’s a few more pics from today.
    I will take some outdoor ones soon and post them up.
    It’s fantastic to see how many people are so happy that Bax has his forever home and how his progress has been followed.
    Baxta settling in 008.jpg
    Baxta settling in 018.jpg
    Baxta settling in 011.jpg

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