Pudge – Spaniel x Labrador Puppy *HOMED*

Pudge – Spaniel x Labrador Puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Pudge – Spaniel x Labrador Puppy *HOMED*

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    Some new photos of Pudge. He is getting on very well, must be here for a year now! Kids adore him and he is wonderful with them!

    DID Rescue

    What a happy looking camper, looks like he is very busy collecting abandoned blankets ;)
    Great to hear that he is doing well and is happy.


    Ow look at him he is gone so big , i love the little bit of brown on his ears :D . Loved this fella when i was fostering him soooo good, Great to see him so happy .


    Thought you would like to see some updated photos Sandra! The brown on his ears just came out in the recent good weather, kids going blonde & Pudge going brown due to the sun!! The blanket he is dragging around is the one that he came to our house with! He plays with it now instead of lying on it! He has turned out to be a perfect pet, adores the kids, minds them all when they are outside & pans out on the kitchen floor when they are all in bed! He walks off the lead really well and goes for a swim in a nearby pond every morning, always comes back when called. We are all delighted with him! Valerie


    Posted on FB today from Pudge’s forever family

    This is Pudge – whom we adopted from DID 3 years ago – Pudge is 3 yrs old this month & very loved (& spoiled!). I just thought I’d share his photo on your website!

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