Princess – Shih – tzu x – HOMED

Princess – Shih – tzu x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Princess – Shih – tzu x – HOMED

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    This beautiful little girl is approx. 18 mts old. She is small in size and fully grown. She is gone into foster with Patricia who will update soon ;)


    Princess was at the groomers today..isn’t she beautiful :D
    Picture 489.jpg


    Princess you look amazing. levi is sitting beside me and he agrees with me. He can’t wait to meet you. ;)


    I have been looking after Princess since Thursday night and she is a real girls girl. Will not leave my lap if I am sitting down and follows me where ever I go. She is also well able to boss my very dominant male Shitzu around and has him wrapped around her little finger. She very affectionate and is so excited when you come down in the morning and return from being out. Very loveable little dog. Will be very sorry to say good bye when she goes to her forever home.
    See Charlie and Princess chilling out after a long play


    You can see just looking at her face she has a great personality ! She ‘s beautiful . Don’t you just want to keep them all ! Well I do anyway ! :D


    This little lady went off to her forever home yesterday, where she has her new brother Doogles (Levi) to keep her company :D


    Princess’ new name is Poppy. She arrived yesterday and we were so excited to be able to home her. Levi and Poppy got on really well and enjoyed their first real walk together. Levi is finding a new friend to play with great fun but finding it a bit weird having her following him all the time. Thank you to Trish who looked after so well.I know you will miss her but we will give her lots and lots of love here. She loves her cuddles and kisses.The girls have taught her to sit already!!! :D


    Our beautiful little girl Poppy (Princess) is settling in great here. She is such a cutie. She loves cuddles and kisses. She is a night owl and does not go to bed early but is such an early riser!!!! My daughters sleep over the kitchen and are woken at 6.30 every morning to her scratching the door and crying. Poor Levi (Doogle) does not know whats going on.

    She gets so excited when you come down to let her out to do her business. When they come back in Levi heads to my bed to recover from his early wake up call and Poppy heads to my daughters bed to fall back asleep.Levi and Poppy are getting on so well together. They are playing and chasing each other out the back. Sometimes she keeps biting his bum and barking at him wanting him to play. She is so strong and she can jump so high!!!! They are great together on the lead too they both love their walks and get so excited when they see their leads. :D :D


    Here are Levi (doogle) and Poppy (Princess) celebrating Levi’s 2nd birthday. They are just the cutest dogs ever :D


    Poppy (princess) has distroyed two of Levi’s (Doogle) toys today. She just sits under a table and happily chews and chews until the toy is in pieces. Poor Levi just sits and watches her not knowing what to do. Levi has just put the heart cross ways in me this evening. He started breathing funny like he couldn’t get air. I ran out the back with him so he could get air and after a few mins he was ok. :( I have put it down to the fact i have lots of lillies in the house and the smell just got to him….


    Hi there.

    So glad this beautiful little girl has found such a loving home and with a great brother to keep her on her toes.

    On what you were saying about you Levi’s breathing, I had the same experience just over a week ago with my boy Eliot (another DID graduate and a Shih Tzu and a bit.). He woke me up in the middle of the night heaving for air – a bit like an asthma attack and frightened the life out of me too. It lasted a few seconds, which felt like hours and then happened again next morning and at lunchtime. I brought him to the vet who said it was bronchitis and he is now on antibiotics for it. He is a little bit wheezy every now and again still but is in good form otherwise.
    Obviously this is something that is doing the rounds in the doggy world.

    Anyway, best of luck with the new arrival and hope you all have a long and very happy life together.

    All the best,


    Hi Ber,
    Thanks for reply. That was his first time to do anything like that and it scared the living day lights out of me too. He has not done it since and i have removed all the pollen stalks from the lilies so i think that was the cause, but i will watch out for those symptoms you mentioned. They are a right little pair when together. But we adore the both of them so much. :P Thanks to Dogs in Distress . You all do an amazing job. ;)


    I have to keep a close eye on Poppy as she likes to chew and eat EVERYTHING!!!!! Her latest trick is chewing on stones in the garden. She has eaten her way through almost all Levi’s toys at this stage. She gets really excited when she see’s the leads coming out and does this really funny bark come howl. :lol: Myself and my daughter had them both over in our local field for their daily walk come run the other day and Poppy ended up pulling the lead from my daughters hand and she just took off like the wind!! We both ended up running after her and eventually caught her. She is so fast!!!! That was one scary moment….. Herself and Levi love lying together on my bed and watching everything from the window. They are getting on great but i think she is the boss!!!


    Need Advice..
    Both Levi and Poppy are barking at every dog we pass out on our walks. They won’t stop and its hard to get their attention once they start. We had them both out in Bray for a swim and a walk on saturday and they were so bold. No dog no matter how big or small mattered the pair of them would just keep barking. Very embarrassing!! :oops: :oops: :oops: We have tried squirting water in their face it works for a while but has not stopped them. Any advice would be gratefully accepted…..

    The pair of them are great together and are so good. Poppy hated sleeping downstairs and now they both sleep up in my bedroom which they love. They just follow me everywhere i go. They are so cute. Poppy has settled in now. For the first few weeks she always looked sad and never wagged her tail it was like she was afraid she was going to be moving house again and didn’t want to get attached to us, but now she gets so excited when she sees us even if we have only left the room for a few mins. She is a real lap dog and loves lying beside you on the couch. Levi is mad about her too …


    I will give you a ring ;)

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