Prince – ref 16…approx 3 yrs *HOMED*

Prince – ref 16…approx 3 yrs *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Prince – ref 16…approx 3 yrs *HOMED*

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    Prince (Whiskey) went to his forever home today. We all miss him dearly (and have shed plenty of tears) but are thrilled that he found such a lovely home.

    We wish you our dear little Whiskey the most wonderful life ever with Bernie and Tony.

    May you bring endless years of happiness to each other’s lives.


    Have had a couple of lovely phone calls from Whiskey’s new owners Tony & Bernie over the past week.

    He has settled in brilliantly in their house and has the good fortune to get to sleep on their bed every night. He goes for his walks every day (in fact he insists on it!) and is a very much loved family member.

    We knew Whiskey was a very special little dog and are delighted that he has found very special owners who are devoted to him (if only every dog was so lucky!)

    We will keep in touch with Tony & Bernie and will upload any pictures they send us.

    Whiskey in his new home.jpg


    Whiskey is obviously very content in his new home. Thanks Tony & Bernie for texting the photo to me. Delighted to see he has settled in so well.

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