Prancer – 8wk old – Dachshund X puppy -HOMED

Prancer – 8wk old – Dachshund X puppy -HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Prancer – 8wk old – Dachshund X puppy -HOMED

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    This little man is tiny & fiesty. He is going into foster with Catherine who will update soon ;)

    If you would like to rescue this dog please go to the "rescue a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here [url:161gbp05][/url:161gbp05]
    There you will find information on the rescue procedure including the adoption application form.


    Hi sorry its taken so long to post but I find if I am not in work I don’t turn on the computer, I picked this little fella up last Friday and managed to prise him from Kathy’s arms, he is the sweetest little man ever he is tiny but buckets of attitude, he is the easiest pup to look after and as good as gold, all his business is on the puppy pads or in the garden which is great for such a small little fella, he spent Christmas day in my parents house and he loved all the attention and was so well behaved no one could believe it, I have him in a crate at night time and he loves going in and cosying up, the other night at about 9.30pm, I looked over and he had gone in himself and was all curled up asleep and that is where he stayed till the next morning. He gets on great with Dexter and especially Bonnie you dont see one without the other, she is treating him like the baby she never had and walks beside him around the garden making sure he does not get into trouble, after a few days with him I realise why Kathy was finding it hard to let him go, I know this little fella will be snatched up very quickly as he will make the right family a great pet, will keep you posted on his progress.


    Ahhh…thats great…thanks a million :D


    Is this little guy still available for adoption??


    Oh he is just gorgeous. Would love to give him a home. :D


    Yes this little fella is still available for adoption, he is doing great and his personality is starting to shine, he gives you a great welcome when you come in and loves his cuddles in the evening, he is a wonderful little puppy and would make a great addition to any family he gets on great with other dogs and loves children.


    Hello could you please tell me if this puppy is still available for adoption. We recently lost our beloved dog of 17 years and are looking for a small puppy. Thanks


    This little guy looks adorable. What type of cross is he? We would love to have him if he is still available. We recently lost our beloved 17 yr old terrier at Christmas and would love to give a new puppy a home


    Hi yes I am fostering this little guy at the moment, he appears to me to be a cross between a Dachshund and a Jack Russell maybe, he will definitely only be small, he has beautiful colouring and such a beautiful temperment he is doing great with the toilet training and he get on great with other dogs and children. See Forms & Downloads at the top of this page. Fill in the adoption application and e-mail it back and the homing co-ordinator will be in touch with you.


    That’s great he looks lovely. I filled out an application at the weekend and mailed it in. Thanks


    Well just a little update on this great little fella, he is doing really well and seem to spend most of our evenings laughing at his funny little man, he has the cutest little face they would melt even a stone heart, he has slotted in so well it does not even feel as if we have a puppy in the house, he is growing fast and can now haul himself up onto the couch himself much to Bonnie’s disgust as it used to be her refuge to get away from him for a bit of peace and quiet, I am attaching two new photos off him so that you will see how much he has grown.
    photo (46).JPG
    photo (47).JPG


    Wondering if Prancer has found a home yet.
    If not I would like to bring my poodle to meet him to see if they get on and if they do, to adopt him.
    Please let me know.



    Hi Brendan..Prancer is waiting for his forever home..could you please go to the forms and downloads section and fill in adoption application form please ;)


    Hi is there any word on prancer?


    Just a little up date on Prancer or Rusty as we are now calling him, he is getting bigger and eating loads he is such a little character, he is getting on great with the house training and for the first time yesterday he went to the door himself to let us know that he wanted to go out which is great for such a young little fella, he loves his cuddles and the open fire, he has such a happy little face, he is doing well with his basic commands and now sits waiting for his treat. He is patiently waiting for his forever home he would do great in a house with other dogs as he is so used to doggie company with my two he is also great with children of any age and loves the interaction with them.

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