This little girl continues to keep all her family in line. She is now two and has everyone exactly where she wants them even if she does get sat on now and then both literally and metaphorically! She adjusted to the additional of Mo to her family very quickly and has pretty much got him where she wants him. It is the winter where he will come into his own with her as he will be her very own duvet/centrally heated blanket/rug! cooling-off.jpg
This little girl is the boss! She manages to keep all her pack in order and is happiest when she is on someone, human or canine it does not matter. When she was first with us I used to take her out every night at 9pm and you can still set your watch by her. Every evening she ‘asks’ at nine pm to be let out. If it is raining or windy you have to go out with her otherwise she will sit by the door and do nothing. For such a small little thing she has no fear and gets very cross with the big dogs if they are not sitting where she feels they should be! DID11.jpg
Still the boss!! Loves the water, loves being in the centre of the action and keeps going forever out lasting everyone else. Still refuses to sleep by herself and finds the nearest human or dog to sleep on. DSC02741 copy.jpg
Hey little Miss Bossy Boots!!! What is it about small dogs and bossiness??? My ONLY small one here rules the roost too!! Fantastic to see the beautiful Pipster all grown up and still running the show! You have a fantastic family of humans and canines in your corner – what more could a girl want??? Love from all in the Colgan household and happy new year to everyone.