Pippy – 7wk Terrier x *HOMED*

Pippy – 7wk Terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Pippy – 7wk Terrier x *HOMED*

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    This little baby is another poor little soul that was given away and passed around like a free magazine :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Thankfully a kind person took her until they contacted us and she will be safe in foster with Susan (Colgan family) today ;)
    Picture 314.jpg


    This little angel is soooo small :o :o :o
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    :? Delighted to see that the game of ‘pass the poor little bewildered puppy’ has come to an end. A happy end because she is now under the care of the great DID ;) Thank goodness!


    Well this little baby just has to win the smallest puppy ever competition!!! She is TINY – only 800 grams in weight! :o The others here don’t know what to make of her – even Minnie and Pepper look gigantic compared to her not to mention the biggies!! :lol: :lol: We are trying to get a photo with Sam just to show how titchy she is but no luck yet. Poppy is quite feisty and lets the others know she is around but she is at a massive size disadvantage to be able to play any games whatsoever, much to Minnie’s disgust. :lol: Minnie – another lady with attitude – to her credit, is being quite gentle with her, but Poppy is "at risk" even with her. She has spent most of the time since her arrival up in someone’s arms for her own safety!! :lol: She is eating away but I must confess to sharing our bed with her last night – a thing I never do – but I couldn’t decide where to put her that she wouldn’t be squished. Update again soon. :D


    :D 8-) :D
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    Well this little pipsqueak is coming along brilliantly. :D She was a bit overawed when she first arrived and found the bedlam that is normal in the Colgan household a bit overwhelming but NOT ANY MORE!!! :lol: :lol: She gives out yards to anyone who piddles her off and Minnie has been on the receiving end of many a tongue-lashing. She warns Casper off too and he hasn’t a clue what to make of her! She adores the humans in the house and everyone who comes in is greeted like a long lost friend – then Pippy proceeds to climb up on to your shoulder and eat your hair (definitely a fetish!! :lol: ) She started a new trick yesterday. She climbed into the feeding bowls that we have for the bigger dogs and paddled away, throwing the food out each side of the dish! Things took a really comic turn then when Sam and Casper decided to try to eat WITH her in the bowl – the two snouts working their way in around her was hilarious to watch. This baby is really tiny and will be very small even when fully grown – a real little pocket rocket!! :lol: :lol:


    Big achievement for this little lady :D At this morning’s weigh-in, she is just under 1 kilo!!! Way hey!!! :lol: :lol:


    Ah Bless ! :D That is just tooo cute


    :D 8-) :D
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    Pippy went a-visiting today and we discovered that she LOVES small children. :D I took her over to visit my sister (and to show her off) and she adored playing with my sister’s two little girls – 11 and 4 years old. She also loves our cat – who is a large grumpy tom cat with little time for small baby dogs. :lol: :lol: So I can’t think of any home where this little baby wouldn’t fit in. She loves cats, children, other dogs – what more could you ask for??? :lol: :lol:


    This little lady is a ticket! :lol: I have never seen an attitude so big in a dog so small. She wants to be in the middle of everything that is going on and, try as we all might, she inevitably gets knocked over or almost stood on. :? However, she just picks herself up and carries on – usually with a warning growl to the creature (human or canine!!!) that has upended her!! :lol: :lol: When Minnie, her bedmate, left on Sunday, she HOWLED in the utility room cos she flatly refused to stay in there on her own. When we let her out, she hopped into the bed with Sam and there wasn’t a peep out of her for the rest of the night. :D She is just about a kilo in weight now and a TON in personality! :D


    I LOVE my big brother, Sam!! :D And I think the feeling is mutual :lol:


    :) Maybe Sam is thinking "if I shut my eyes I can pretend she is not there"! I love reading about Pippy, she is like a ‘MICRO’ GSD puppy. Always look forward to the great up-dates and photos. :D Thank you foster family. ;)


    This little girl continues to thrive and delight us all here. :D She has become really playful and can make a game around ANYTHING!! :lol: If she finds a scrap of paper on the floor, she will invent some chasing game around it and knock such fun out of it. :lol: She loves the bigger dogs and ADORES Sam who, as always, is imminently patient with her although Mollie is still the preferred bedmate!! Pippy has even started to cop on to the toilet training and she has taken herself outside off her own bat a few times when she needs to perform :D A great little pet, she is a real treat to foster. In the pic below, you can – just about – see her with Sam and Mollie. The words "I surrender" spring to mind! :lol:


    One small step for Mollie, one giant leap for Pippy :lol:

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