Pippa – GSD x Collie *Homed*

Pippa – GSD x Collie *Homed*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Pippa – GSD x Collie *Homed*

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    Today we went to Glendalough, and you can see below that our Ladies were really tired after that.



    I can’t wait when we will start our training classes. Allie now spends more evenings cuddling with us on the couch, which is great. She’s also a great watch dog :D Every little sound and she’s up and checking what was it.


    :D Lovely photographs of your girls. A happy ending indeed, she looks great.


    Just a little update on our little ladies.
    They really enjoyed all of the snow and had great fun with it. I’ll try to post movie later on but for now I hope that below photos will be enough for you to see that they are keeping well.








    Delighted to see the girls doing so well ….merry christmas to them both and of course to you two as well.

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