Pickles – 2 yr old Saluki x Terrier*HOMED*

Pickles – 2 yr old Saluki x Terrier*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Pickles – 2 yr old Saluki x Terrier*HOMED*

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    Surprised this lad hasn’t been adopted straight away, he is gorgeous and sounds like the perfect dog!


    If you went down to the woods today you would have been in for a big surprise . . . Pickles!! ;) We made the most of the sun today (well the non rain!) and headed down to the forest. Pickles had a blast!! In true Pickles style he managed to fit in a small lie down to take in his surroundings then it was back to playing with the other two!! Everyone had their baths when we came back and it was no surprise to me at this point that Pickles had no problem at all with the bath and having his wonderful silky coat washed and brushed!!


    :shock: So, not as big as the smart Dobie but a tad bigger than the beautiful brindle dog with the black mask. As for taking a break on the fallen leaves, we have all done it. Well, I have and its very comfortable ;) . Hope you enjoyed your bath after your outing. I have never ever seen another dog like you Pickles, totally unique
    8-) . You look very comfortable on the setee with the person but you do look ever so slightly shame-faced on the bed with the Dobie but I think we all know who was in charge of that little adventure :lol: Lovely to hear from you Pickles :)


    he is stunning :D cant believe he hasnt been snapped up to a new home yet, he has such an adorable face :)


    He sounds like the perfect little guy! Been keeping one eye out for a boyfriend for my little JRT/whippet cross (that’s my best guess anyway!) and he looks like just her type. She has a neighbour boy at the moment, a cocker spaniel mix, but he is moving away soon and they aren’t willing to do a long distance relationship.

    However, the burning question for us, how is Pickles with cats? 8-)


    The wonderful Pickles is still with me awaiting his very own forever home. We took a trip out to Marlay Park today to join in the Christmas Sighthound Stroll organised by the wonderful Jane who adopted Hal from Dogs in Distress 2 years ago. It was great to see so many people come together all with a love of their dogs.

    The theme was festive so not to be left out Pickles chose some festive gold tinsel for the walk!! He had a great time meeting other sighthounds and Marlay Park regulars and was a hit with everyone who met him!

    This chap continues to be one chilled out pooch and is just so easy to have around. He is so good in the house and is a real go with the flow fella. Pickles will suit just about any home and although tall he really doesnt take up much room at all and curls into a very small ball when sleeping!

    We have hung a stocking for Pickles over the fire but remain hopeful that his forever family will find him soon and he will have the happy ever after he so deserves.


    This super chap has had a very chilled out xmas and has discovered a love of watching any programme featuring penguins!! He will sit and watch the whole thing its so funny!!

    I just know Pickles is going to find his happy every after in 2012 and that is enough to put a big smile on my face!!

    Ever the perfect house guest Pickles continues to be one very easy going chap and just an all round dream dog! He has mastered the paw now and is doing great on his off lead walks. He is really a wonder to watch sprinting through the forest! Poor Deelo hasnt a hope of keeping up with him and Oki Sky!!

    Happy New Year to all!

    From Pickles and Pals :D
    picks and pals2.jpg


    Wishing you your very own happy ending early in 2012 coz you are such a dream boy…


    Well Pickles what have you been up to since all your Christmas partying? I think you’re foster mam is too fond of you!! :D :D She keeping you all to herself :D :D Do give up more pics and stories, you’re so handsome ;)


    Pickles is still looking for his very own forever family to find him. He is such an amazing dog so relaxed and gentle he will make an amazing addition to a very lucky family.

    Pickles is great on walks and is just a gem in the house. He loves his naps and can often be found enjoying a nice snooze on his bed in the sitting room.

    New Pickles fact . . . he plays fetch!! :D My own two don’t play with a ball at all so this is a very late discovery on my part but he loves it! He drops the ball back to you so perfectly. A big swish of his amazing silky tail and you can’t help but throw the ball again!!


    i really am surprised he hasnt been snapped up yet :( he looks like such a dote..have been following his story in the hope someone choose him to be their best new friend :)


    Some great news . . .Pickles has met his forever family and it was love at first sight on all sides! :D

    I am thrilled for this amazing dog that he has found his forever home and have been promised loads of updates.

    I have no doubt that the house will feel very empty when this exceptional chap moves on but I know he will be very much loved and adored in his new home just as he is here.


    Great news – have a wonderful life Pickles ;)


    :o Well heck!!! There must be a fairy dog mother whizzing around giving us all fantastic news by finding families for great dogs like Pickles :D . He is such an unusual dog, a ‘one-off’ for sure 8-) . Lucky family. I, like the many other people who have been following Pickles, will be looking forward to up-dates and images of Pickles in his great new life ;)


    oh yayyy…great news!

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