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    Get well soon Penny – You are such a gorgeous girl and so loved by your family that I am sure you will bounce back in no time.

    Lots of love,
    Flo the dog x


    Great news :D


    Ah Penny, sweetheart, SO glad you are back home with Sue and family – you have all been through the mill. :( :( Sometimes the world looks better from a skewways position so don’t worry a bit about that! :lol: :lol: We have stormed heaven for you and are so relieved to see your sweet little face looking at us from the website.
    Keep getting stronger every day.
    Love you always!! :D :D


    Oh this update has made my dull day a brighter one …..Penny we knew you and your family were in the great hands of UCD medical team(we have had first hand experience with them too) Thrilled you are back home where you belong and getting spoiled with massages….can I come and live with you for a week….ok a night ….alright will settle for just a massage….

    Keep us all posted on your progress..


    Hi dear Penny, we hope you are feeling better, you are always our favourite with your fun photos…get well really soon please..


    Hi all just a quick hello from penny she’s doing great head is still tilted at times but that doesn’t stop her she’s still the crazy penny before it all happened..only thing we have to watch with her now is other dogs she gets a little aggressive if they come up to her all of a sudden from the right hand side that is her bad side she doesn’t see them coming cause her head is tilted an it frightens her so we have to work on her :o . She turns 2 next month so will be celebrating in style .. :D


    You can’t keep a good dog down 8-) Penny the super dog, stay happy and keep well


    Oh my little poppet. You continue to be the special little girl we all adored here. So glad that your terrifying ordeal is behind you and a HUGE commendation to Sue and family for helping you every step of the way. Onwards and upwards now, kiddo!!!! :D :D


    Penny look at you now in all those fab photos ….. bet you knew there was an army of well wishers behind you and you didn’t disappoint…..well done to you and your super forever family….

    Thrilled to bits to see your update!


    Hello every one. Alls good our end. Just a photo from the birthday girl 2 weeks ago. Thanks to the girls at DID at Raheny rose festival for penny’s birthday cake went down a treat as you will see in photo :shock: :lol: .. … Lovely to meet you all and happy I was able to bring penny to meet some of you. :D she’s a bit nervous still of ppl and things around her as some of you seen but we are getting there. She’s not a fan of been on the lead :o so we didn’t hang round to long. Some news :D we are thinking and I am looking for a little friend for her so paws crossed we will find the right little one for her. It’s early days yet.


    I wish you the happiest of happy birthdays dear, sweet Penny :D


    Hi there baby girl and a happy birthday to you. :D :D You are looking fab. Can’t believe you are all grown up. Hope you get a fantastic little sibling for you to play with ( I remember you playing here with Layla when you were just a tiny little scrap!!!). Delighted you keep in touch. :D :D :D


    Penny you are looking just lovely in your birthday pictures….keep up the great work on staying well…..fingers and paws crossed for a new arrival of four little paws for you to play with…


    Penny you are looking just lovely in your birthday pictures….keep up the great work on staying well…..fingers and paws crossed for a new arrival of four little paws for you to play with…


    Hello Penny,

    I often think about you and had to go searching DiD to find you.

    How are you doing now? You are such a little beauty – Did your head ever get straightened up. You are so beautiful but would hate to think of you in any discomfort.

    Love to you,
    Flo the dog xxx

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