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    :lol: :lol:


    Hi all :D just a little update on Penny she turned the big one in july and we had a little party for her. Penny is such a funny & cheeky little dog she gets away with soooo much :o .When i come home from work at 6pm she follows me everywhere knowing we are going to the beach cries like a baby till we go (this is every day) and she has made so many friends down there plus the humans all know penny. The best thing is the showing of the Teeth its just a classic :D


    Hi all i hope everyone had a happy Christmas, i sure did. My best part was sniffing out the presents and tearing off all the layers of paper :lol: happy new year to all woof woof lots of love penny & family


    :o You could rob a bank in that outfit – no-one would recognise you :lol: :lol: :lol: For me, that is the best festive comedy image thus far 8-)


    Have to agree Indianna – that is the funniest Christmas outfit I’ve seen. :lol: You look adorable and cosy in your lovely jumper Penny. Don’t know if you’ll be able to see your Christmas dinner wearing those glasses though. :D


    Ah Penny, my little pet!! :D :D You look SO Christmassy!!! :lol: :lol: Delighted to hear from you. We were only talking about you the other day. Hard to believe it is over a year since you left us but you have really fallen on your feet with Sue and family! Lots of hugs and kisses from your – OLD – foster family! :D :D


    Hi all … What a week we have had our penny has been trough the mill. We thought she took a turn last Sunday well we didn’t know what was going on she couldn’t stand and her head was turned one way.. She’s been to glasnevin vets Sunday they sent her on to UCD where she has been through the mill scans bloods MRIs and fluid from the spine. They all came back ok. She is unable to stand and is on a drip and is sedated we went to see her Wednesday an my god she would melt your heart.. A wag of the tail and a big cry from her… Please keep penny in your prayers and please god she gets bk to her cheeky little self.. It’s been a very emotional and stressful week for us all..


    Our little pet in UCD


    Come on Penny, we can’t have you unwell, you are one of the brightest stars of the DID family. EVERYTHING crossed for a speedy and totally successful recovery.


    Oh my God, my poor little girl! :( :( We are all so sad here to think of you unwell and in the vets – and we also spare a thought for Sue and your wonderful family. Please God they will get to the bottom of what is wrong and you will be back to your sweet beautiful self in no time. :) :) Loads of thoughts, prayers and woofy wishes heading your way from all of us here. Stay strong little girl. :) :) Colgan family!!! :D


    Any news on Penny paws? Hope things are going along well for her. Thinking of you Penny, get well soon (that means now please).


    Poor Penny …..we are all storming heaven here for you that the great UCD team get you back on all four paws very soon…..keep up the fight for yourself and your fab furever family


    Hey there thanks for all the messages. After I posted here last Monday 21st we got a phone call to say penny was standing an taking a few steps and that we would be able to bring her home Tuesday .. Tuesday came and when I got there to my surprise penny was actually walking I was totally shocked but trilled for her she was delighted with herself and seen me.. Her head is still tilted to the right it may or may not come back but with plenty of care exercise and massaging her neck and head it should help she’s not her bouncy crazy self at the mo but signs are defiantly showing her personality is still there and she still bums :lol: she is starting to show the teeth when excited to see someone come also knows where to sit when getting lead on an try’s to play ball but we are a bit wobbly when we run to much we may fall over :shock: her world is a bit sideways at the mo :( .. What we believe penny has is an idiopathic nerve it’s from the brain down to the ear and it’s causing her balance to be affected as in she is weaker on her right side but like I said it’s getting stronger. The staff wer amazing in UCD we can’t thank them enough for nursing penny bk to health. She is a week home now doin great every day we had a bath out in that lovely sunshine today. Thanks to all for ur texts & calls lots of love penny and sue.


    Some photos


    Welcome home Penny. Ok, your world is a bit squint at the moment but who cares ;)

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