This poor girl had obviously had such a hard life she would trust no one…she would not let anyone near her and was very nervous aggressive and if you went within two feet of her she would try to bite ….sadly the decision was made to put her to sleep as we could not put our foster families in danger…
So very sad that such a young dog, full of potential had to lose her life because of some horrible person/people . Peggy, you will always belong to the DID family now who brought your fear and terror to an end but still very sad
Terrible sad thing to have to be done and all because humans are cruel, thoughtless and horrible. This poor girls short life has been nothing but miserable but nobody suffers for this except her, the one being in all of this that did nothing wrong.
There is no doubt in my mind that on a daily basis the human race is getting more and more cruel, thoughtless, selfish, hard and generally evil. There is no punishment here in Ireland worth talking about for animal cruelty all they get is a slap on the wrist and told don’t do it again.
It is no wonder the cruelty continue’s and get progressively worse.